Urgency Isn’t a Tactic, It’s Natural… Here’s How to Use It

Here in Central Pennsylvania, it’s cicada season… and allergy season. I don’t normally have it too bad, but this year I’ve gone through some serious stretches of discomfort.

What do you do when you’re suffering from allergies?

You go to the pharmacy.

Natural urgency is the key to helping people understand why they need your product now.

Fun fact: I worked as a pharmacy technician in high school at a CVS. I loved that job.

At the pharmacy, you’ll find a whole aisle full of allergy medication. Some of it makes you sleepy, some keep you awake. Some of it lasts 4 hours, some lasts 24. Some are fancy brand names, some are generic.

There is absolutely no scarcity involved.

Pick from whatever you’d like.

And still… if you’re suffering from allergies, you won’t walk away from the hundreds of boxes in front of you without picking up one and putting it in your basket.



You see, there’s manufactured urgency and then there’s natural urgency.

I have a feeling that you think the only way to use urgency to sell more is to manufacture urgency–limit the number of spots in your program, add early bird discounts, utilize disappearing bonuses…

(Maybe you’re even envious of the people who run businesses in which they’re essentially selling something as essential as allergy medication.)

And sure, that can work.

But it’s also a bit over-played.

Tapping into natural urgency, though, is never over-played.

Creating urgency for your product or service isn’t about telling people there’s a limited time to buy. It’s not about how many seats are left in your workshop. It’s not about an early bird discount or an arbitrary deadline.

Urgency is about need.

If you want people to feel a sense of urgency for buying your product or service, you need to know why they need it now.

  • People don’t need things now because they’d might like to learn more about what you teach.
  • They don’t need things now because they’re pretty or you’re so excited about them.
  • They don’t need things because they’d like to speak their truth and connect with their inner spark.

Those aren’t the kind of things that would send them running to the store–so they’re not the kinds of things that get them clicking to your sales page.

People need what you’ve created now because they’re ending a 10-year relationship and want to be intentional about what they’re creating next.

They need it now because they’re sick and tired of opening their closets and not having a clue what to put on their bodies.

They need it now because they wake up every morning still feeling exhausted and they’re beyond ready to make a change.

They need it now because they’re completely over holding back their ideas in meetings and watching others take credit for their work.

Urgency is absolutely the key to selling more of what you’re putting out into the world.

But it’s not based on numbers or time. Sure, those things help people make a decision.

Ultimately, however, people buy now because they’ve reached a point of no return. They can’t help but search for a solution to their need and start using the one they find.

What’s going on in your customers’ lives that might make them need or want what you have to offer right now?

Then tell them you understand. Tell them the stories you know are playing out in their lives right now. Show them the vision you have for them and how your product will take them from the urgency their already feeling into a brand new day.

Create a sense of urgency by respecting your customers’ needs and they’ll respond by buying—now.

On Wednesday at 7pm EDT/4pm PDT, I’m hosting a special encore of my popular workshop on 3 Ways to Help People Buy More From You.

—> If you’d like more ways to tap into the reasons people naturally want to buy so you can earn more money and close more deals, click here to register.

How to Court New Customers Using Facebook Ads: Behind-the-Scenes of Our Marketing Campaign

How to Court New Customers with Facebook Ads: Inside My Marketing Campaign

I bet you’ve been wondering whether Facebook ads could jump start your outreach, list-building, and revenue.

It seems like everybody is doing it.

Advertising is great. It can fast-track your ability to connect with the right people and grow your influence in the market but…

Most advertisers are going about it all wrong.

Their strategy? It’s the equivalent of going on a first date and then asking the person to marry you on the spot–or at least move in together.That's a dealbreaker! -- How to Court New Customers Using Facebook Ads

**Even if advertising isn’t for you, keep reading. This applies to a lot of the pieces of your marketing campaign.**

Here’s what it looks like:

An ad pops into your Facebook feed with a big promise: “I used to work 12 hour days just to book 2 clients per month. Now I make $150k per year working 2 hours per day. Here’s my exact blueprint.”

Of course, on the next page isn’t the exact blueprint. It’s a landing page asking for your email address.

Who is this person? What do they really do? If I downloaded this blueprint, would I even like what I find inside? What proof do they have that this really works? What proof do I have that any of this is true?

As that scrolls through your mind, you scroll through the ad.

If you want to reach people who haven’t heard of you before, asking them for the equivalent of moving in together isn’t going to work (most of the time).

You need to prove yourself and introduce them to your business first.

Here’s an ad I’m currently running…

How to Court New Customers Using Facebook Ads

This ad is being shown to people who have never been on my website and don’t know me. But they do know and like Danielle LaPorte.

It’s just a podcast interview.

Advertising just this interview has lead directly to new leads and new customers. It’s growing awareness of my brand and warming up a new audience. And…

It’s been super cheap to run.

Now, I could stop there. But why?! Since this ad has been so successful, I want to show people who click on it another ad.

Anyone who’s been on my website (including folks who clicked the above ad), might see this ad pop up in their feed:

How to Court New Customers Using Facebook Ads

This ad takes people to the full text of my latest mini-book. There’s a larger call to action for an email address, but anyone can read the full text there. And when they do, they get delighted with GIFs!

The interesting thing here is that this “landing page” has a conversion rate of between 40-70% depending on the day. Even on a page that exclusively asks for an email address, I’d still consider those numbers a victory.

This ad is performing incredibly well–and I know I can make it better!

Finally, anyone who clicks on this ad and visits the landing page for the book is moved into a third ad set. They get shown this:

How to Court New Customers Using Facebook Ads

This is an ad for our membership community. I’m not asking for a sale here, just an email address to get a personal invitation to the community.

See how each of these ads takes a new prospect further and further into my world?

Now, like I said, you don’t have to use advertising to take advantage of this approach. Think about it every time you write a blog post.

Some blog posts are for people who know, like, and trust you already. Some are for people who have never heard of your business before.

Same thing with webinars, podcast episodes, videos, etc…

If you’re trying to reach new people, make sure that the content you’re creating and promoting is geared to someone who doesn’t already know, like, and trust you–but has an interest that overlaps with what you do (like my interview with Danielle).

Ready to apply this to your own business?

Start with a piece of content that has already received a bunch of “shares.” (Bunch, of course, is relative.)

Shares are a great indicator that people think the content is valuable to others outside your sphere of influence.

Then you can:

  • Place an ad for that piece of content.
  • Ask your friends to share it with their networks.
  • Put it on a regular schedule in your social media feed.

Give it a try! I think you’ll like the results.

For more on this topic, listen or read my interview with Lori Allen, Director of Great Escape Publishing. She’s a master direct response marketer. I asked her about how her company approaches this task–and about so much more! Click here to read or listen.


Connecting With & Nurturing Your Best Customers with Lori Allen

Lori Allen, Director of Great Escape Publishing on Profit. Power. Pursuit. with Tara Gentile

photo by Armosa Studios

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Tara:  Hey everyone, welcome to Profit. Power. Pursuit.  I’m Tara Gentile, your host, and together with CreativeLive, we explore the unique strategies that creative entrepreneurs use to take control of their lives, profit from their passions, and pursue what’s truly important to them.

Today, I’m talking with Lori Allen, the director of Great Escape Publishing, which publishes nearly 30 home study programs, including the Ultimate Travel Writers program for retirees who want to pursue making money from their travels.  She’s worked with over 3000 budding travel writers and photographers to help them meet that goal.  Lori and I talked about her intrapreneurial journey, including helping the direct response marketing company she works for take their snail mail efforts online.  We also discussed the different types of offers Great Escape creates and why they create them, her process for creating compelling ads and copy, and the surprising thing she’s learned helping retirees acquire a new set of skills.  Lori Allen, welcome to Profit. Power. Pursuit.  Thank you so much for joining me.

Lori:  Thank you for having me.

Tara:  Absolutely.  So I love your story, because it’s an intrapreneurial story, not a traditional entrepreneurial story.  Can you tell us how Great Escape Publishing came to be?

Lori:  Sure.  Yeah, it is a unique, it’s a unique business.  So I took a job out of college from an ad that I answered on Monster.com, and it was for a small publishing company down in south Florida, and they were looking for a marketer, and I had done some marketing in college.  Nothing real world, but you know, just the average college experience, and I knew that that’s what I wanted to be.  I knew that someone, one of my mentors when I was growing up, told me that if I wanted to make the most money, and at the time, money was very important to me.  It’s not as important now when I look back and reflect, but at the time, I thought I’m gonna be a millionaire, right, and that … their advice was if you want to make a lot of money, you need to put yourself in a position where you’re in charge of someone else’s money, you know, where you’re bringing in sales, because if you bring in money, they have to pay you more.  You know, expenses are meant to be kept down, most jobs are expenses, and if you’re in marketing, however, you’re not an expense, you’re a profit-maker, and if you make profit for others, they’ll pay you well. 

And so I knew I wanted to go into marketing, but I didn’t really know how or what, and I saw this ad on Monster.com, and it was for a company in south Florida, and south Florida has great weather all year round and a beautiful beach, and so I was like yeah, count me in, that will be the job for me.  But when I got there, they were a direct marketing, a direct mail company.  So at the time, they were mailing what we lovingly call junk mail, and I was like, ooh, you know, maybe that’s not really what I want to do for in my life is write and create junk mail.  However, I did meet one of the consultants for that company who is an amazing man and still my mentor today, and he’s very charismatic, he’s very well-known in our industry, and in the interview, I just knew that I wanted to work for that guy.  I wanted to ride his coattails for the rest of my life.  Like I just wanted to just, you know, follow him around with a notebook and a pen and a paper and just write down everything he knows, and I … I think we see the world similarly, so I was really just attracted to that. 

So anyway, I did take the job, and one of the first things that I got to do was to bring them online.  So back then, everything was in the mail.  We didn’t have eBooks.  We didn’t even have a website at that time.  You know, we were all using AOL and CompuServe email addresses, and so you know, it was my job to create a website and to figure out how … how we could get our, what was working in the mail to work online, and I think that put me in a really good position, because no one had ever done it before.  There were no classes, there were no books, there were no, you know, workshops or events that you could go to.  There weren’t even that many people to talk to even in our industry about it.  Everybody was starting.  Everybody was testing a million different things, and that just made it, well, it made it fun.  It also made it very hard, because no one knew the right way.  We were just throwing stuff at the wall to see what stuck.  And so after about a couple years, it was kind of like that commercial that you’ve seen on TV, you know, years and years ago where the company puts up an ad on the internet and they’re waiting around their computer for their first order and then they get it and they all high-five, and then the second order comes in and they’re like woohoo, and then the third and then the tenth and then the fiftieth and then the hundredth and then the two-hundredth, and they’re like oh my gosh, and you just see them, like, sink, and just like how are we going to handle 200 orders?  You know, like, this … it just kind of took off, and that’s kind of what happened to us.  You know, we … when we went forward with our first real ad, our first real web ad, I think we got more orders overnight than we had in the whole year to that date.

Tara:  Oh my word.

Lori:  Yeah.  So while exciting, it was also very stressful.  You know, I was in my early 20s, and didn’t know a thing about web marketing, didn’t know a thing about marketing, didn’t know a thing about, you know, running a business or how things were fulfilled or printed or, you know, because back then, all of our products were printed, and so we basically had to restructure the entire company for where this was headed, and we grew very, very fast, and because of that, I gained a lot of knowledge very, very fast.  So after about a year or two, you know, again, I didn’t think that I … I was in my 20s, I wanted to be a 20-year-old.  I didn’t want to be a business owner and a person who restructures organizations and deals with shipping and printing and, you know, all of those things.  I was just kind of forced into that role with the speed at which we grew, and so I wanted out, and they just … they couldn’t really let me go, because you know, I just knew too much, and they didn’t, we just weren’t capable of continuing the speed that we were going if I left.  Like I didn’t have things written down.  I didn’t … it was all in my head.  You know, we had relationships that we built things on, and all of those relationships belonged to me in a way.  So you know, they kept saying, “What do you want?” and I kept saying, “I want to be 20 and not running a business,” and that just, that answer didn’t fly with them, and finally, you know, like, “What do you want?”  And I was like, you know what, I want to do this, but I want to do it for my own thing and in my own way, and they were just so great.  They were … you know, I mean, and honestly, I had three years of proving myself, so it wasn’t like they just gave me the world.  No, I had, you know, I had all this experience, and they knew that I had done it for them, so they were happy to let me start my own division of their company, and so that’s how it kind of started.  I started for them, I got all this great experience, they mentored me, they coached me, they helped me, they gave me all the resources that I need, and then they let me start my own division.  So it’s kind of an entrepreneurship, but with the backing of … with the backing of all my best mentors and bosses and coaches, so it’s really lucky and I owe them a lot and I’m very grateful.

Tara:  Awesome.  So tell us a little bit more specifically about what Great Escape Publishing is.  What do you guys create?  Who do you market to?  What is the business that you now run within this bigger company?

Lori:  Sure.  So now, you know, the original idea was basically any kind of resource you would need to get paid to travel.  So that would be, you know, back then, these things were unheard of.  This idea of becoming a travel writer was unheard of.  No one … everybody had a staff writer.  There were no freelance travel writers, but there was a small niche market of publications who needed articles from freelancers.  They didn’t … they were too small to have a staff person, or they were too widespread.  International Living is a great example.  Back then, 15, 16 years ago, they were publishing articles about retiring and living overseas in Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, Panama, Costa Rica, but Americans weren’t really going to those places 15 to 16 years ago, but there was a small pocket of retirees who were, and realized that on a very small retirement income, $600-$700 a month, they could live like a king in these places, and so they didn’t want their staff writers to go and live in these places.  You know, they’d have to have a ton of staff writers to do that.  So instead, they wanted to train regular retirees, just everyday people who were not writers how to write for them, and they weren’t the only one.  And there was this whole niche of small publications who needed travel writers, and they didn’t want to hire a staff writer.  They wanted their writers to be all over the world and to come in with stories and that were unique and that weren’t in the pages of National Geographic or Conde Nast or Travel and Leisure. 

So that’s kind of where we started, and with the travel writing program, How to Be a Travel Writer, and the people that found us, you know, in my mind, when I was in my 20s, I thought this is me.  I want to be a travel writer, and there are other 20-year-olds like me who want to be travel writers, and I’m going to find them.  It took me a few years to realize that the audience found me, I didn’t, you know, it isn’t the 20-somethings that … I mean, they do.  They want to be travel writers, but it’s this retiree group, these people who have lived long careers and now they’re looking to do something else in retirement.  Several of them are very well established in their careers.  You know, they were nurses or doctors or realtors or carpenters or architects, and you know, they did that for 30 to 40 years, and then they got into retirement, and they’re like, “This is it?  I’m just supposed to sit on a rocking chair and drink ice tea?”  You know, like that’s just not … not how they saw their life going, and they’re healthy, and they’re ready to see the world, but not on a bus tour.  You know, they don’t really want to be herded like cattle through the Eiffel Tower. They want to experience a place.  So our market, we have all these get paid to travel programs, and retirees are our biggest audience.  Again, that’s not how I saw it when I first started this division.  I thought I was going after people more like myself, but yeah, they found me, and then now, today, I’d say that’s 80-90% of our audience is 50 and older.  They’re either already retired or soon-to-be retired.  They’re healthy, they want to see the world, they want to see the world in a unique way, and that’s what we give them.  So on the surface, we’re a publishing company of all of these products, but underneath, we’re giving people a second life, and that comes with confidence and prestige and power and all the things that they had in their first life now in retirement.

Tara:  Yeah, absolutely.  That’s perfect.  And I want to talk all about … I want to talk more about how you niched down into seniors and how all sorts of different things from what you just said, and I’m having a hard time deciding which question I want to ask next, but I think it would probably be helpful for everyone who’s listening to actually get a rundown on the types of products and in-person experiences that you guys offer, because it’s not all information marketing.  You guys do some really unique things in terms of both online and offline live workshops, actual travel excursions.  Can you tell us a little bit more about that?

Lori:  Yeah, definitely.  So you know, we have the home study course.  There’s two … there’s two kinds of travelers, right?  There’s the armchair traveler.  There are people who like to read about going to all of these places, but maybe they know or maybe they don’t know that they’re actually never going to do it.  Some of them do know.  Some of them know they love to read, but that they’re never going to leave home.  And then others think they will one day, but they don’t.  And I think the same is true in publishing.  There’s, you know, the people who will buy a home study program and want to read things in a book and they want everything printed out, and they have this, you know, what they’re buying is the dream.  Right?  They’re not buying a travel writing course.  No.  They’re buying a dream to become a traveler and to go all over the world and have people roll out the red carpet for them and to see the world in a unique way and to have their stories published in glossy magazines that they can frame on their wall and share at cocktail parties, and you know, when their friend says, “Oh, what are you doing this weekend?”  “Well, I’m off to Paris, you know, and then it’s to Belize.”  So there’s those who want the printed course and who are buying the dream.

And then there’s this whole other side of the business where people want, you know, they just learn more hands on.  So they’re the ones who are going to come to a live event or join us online for a webinar.  Sometimes, we’ll hire experts to take them through their personal process, because you know, it’s just like anything else.  Like when you have a cook, one chef is going to prepare meals this way and another chef will prepare them this way.  And one artist is going to paint this way and another artist is going to paint this way.  Travel writing and photography are exactly the same thing.  No two people do it alike.  So we might hire an expert to walk them through their particular process.  You know, what it looks like to go from never having owned a camera to this is my full-time living, and some people are outdoorsy and some people like to shoot, you know, items that don’t move on a white background, so everybody’s different.  So we’ll have …  so we have things for the people who like to stay at home, and we have things for the people who like to get out.  We also have this small group of our audience who just use us as a travel club.  I don’t think they have any interest in taking better pictures or writing about anything, but they had that interest at one time, and then just liked to travel this way.  And so they’re just like, you know, I don’t feel like planning my vacations this year, I’m just going to go wherever you guys go, and that’s fine, too, you know.  I enjoy traveling with those people.  We don’t really, you know, we teach those things on the ground, but we don’t make, you know, make everybody do it.

Tara:  Right.

Lori:  That’s not, you know, it’s just supposed to be fun and it’s nice, because you go away on a vacation, but you also come home with a skill, and I think that … for the same price that you would pay for a normal vacation.  It kind of runs the gamut in terms of products.  It could go from anything from a live event to a recording of a live event to a home study program for the people who want to stay at home.

Tara:  Cool.  Can you give us sort of just the general breakdown between, you know, like the percentage of revenue that comes from more information products, either the recordings or like the programs that you do at home versus the in-person experiences and travel excursions?

Lori:  Sure.  I mean, I haven’t looked at those numbers like that specifically, but I think that it would be … Well, of course, the events are going to have a high gross, right?

Tara:  Mmhmm.

Lori:  Because we sometimes charge anywhere from, you know, $699 for a one-day event all the way up to, you know, this one coming up in Africa, some people are paying, you know, close to $7000 to come to Africa and, you know, for 12 days or 8 days, but the expenses on Africa and the expenses on the one-day event are so high, you know, you would typically not net, you know, we would love to net 20% from those events.  I don’t know that we always do, and sometimes, we don’t expect the event to break even at all.

Tara:  Wow.

Lori:  Because what will happen is we’ll bring a whole bunch of people there.  The lower we make the price, the more people we fill in the room, right?

Tara:  Mmhmm.

Lori:  So you know, we could run a $699 event and get 200 or 300 people if we wanted to, but then we wouldn’t make any money on that at all.  There would be no way that we could do it that cheaply, fill that many people, and feed them, and pay for rooms, and you know, speaking rooms and hire experts to come and talk.  Like we wouldn’t make any money on that, but we would hope that while they were there, they would sign up for Africa, or they would sign up, you know, to join one of our clubs or organizations or buy some products.  So it’s always a tricky thing with events.  Like they can have a high gross, but not a very high net, but maybe you don’t need them to.  Maybe you have backend stuff that you can get, you know, your money’s worth that way.  So it’s hard to say exactly which of our products are the most profitable.  You know, always, always, if you can sell an eproduct that’s like a course or audios or videos or something that you create one time and then you can reproduce it and sell it with different promotions and different ads and different experts, the more you can reproduce what you’ve already created, that’s where the money is, right?  The money is not in events.

Tara:  Yes.

Lori:  That is not a good business model.  But events are what make people like you.  You know, you have face-to-face interaction.  This is how you build an audience.  This is how you keep in touch with them.  This is how you prove that you’re real.  You know, some people … there’s a lot of scammy stuff online, and even, you know, with our marketing, we have to hit people pretty hard.  Like nobody wakes up in the morning, especially a retiree.  No retiree wakes up in the morning and says, “I want to be a travel writer today.  I’m just going to go online and Google how to be a travel writer.”  That doesn’t happen. 

So like what we have to do is we have to assume that they’re on Facebook or they’re looking for something else, and then we have to be like, “Hey you, you right there. Yeah, you, you know, 50 years and older, come to me.  Look at this.  I’ve got this course on travel writing.”  They’re like, “Yeah, right.”  And I’m like, “Oh, yeah, you know, you can just travel around the world and people will pay you to write about the things you see and do,” and they’re like, “Whatever, you must be kidding me.”  And then, you know, you have to like … and then, then they go and they look you up, and they’re like, oh, well, you know, this company, they’ve been to Africa, they’ve been to, you know, right now, they’re in Peru, and they’re in Vietnam, and look at all these other people that look just like me, and they’re out there having fun, and maybe I could do this after all. 

You know, so events give you that, they give you an extra level of credibility and I think that’s super important today, because you know, us marketers have the struggle of, like, you know, how do you be not scammy?  How do you be not in their face, you know, with bold promises, but at the same time, get them to react and act when they don’t, you know, they’re so bored, and they’ve seen so much, and you know, you really … you just have to … like when you’re writing, it’s a fine line between being in their face and actually reaching through the computer and grabbing them by the shirt and being like, “I’m telling you, this works.  You know, you’re going to love your life after this.”  And then you make them do something, and they’re so glad for it, but I do … but you have to be strong, and I know I’m kind of hitting on a bunch of different topics here, but I feel like the events for us give me that power.  They give me the power to say, “Look, you know, I’m serious about this, and this can literally change your life.  Look at all these thousands of people’s lives who we’ve changed.  Look at this.”  And they give me that power, but also, give me this, you know, to back up and say, “And I’m not kidding.  These are real people.  Look, you can find them on Facebook.”  Like look, here are pictures of all of us, like I’m not making this up, and I think events give me that.  It’s also where the majority of our success stories come from, because again, you know, coming back to the how people learn, there are some people who want things to be printed out, and they want, you know, to learn from a book, but so many people learn better on the ground.

You know, I have this little joke, I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but maybe you’ve heard it before, but do you know the different between education and training?

Tara:  No.

Lori:  Okay, well, then which one would you rather your kids have?  Sex education or sex training?  And you know, like that is kind of the difference between a book and coming to an event, right?  Because a book is education.  When you come to an event, you actually get to try it, and you get feedback, and that’s what training is, and when you get that … that ability to try and then you get feedback, it just propels you to a whole ‘nother level.  But you can read a million books about how to play the guitar, but if you never pick up a guitar, you’re never going to learn how to play.  And you know, everything else is just like that, too.  I think people … some people do go through our home study programs and they go on to be travel writers, and that’s great, but most of them come from our live events.

Tara:  Oh, I love that point so much, because I say I run a training company, not an education company.

Lori:  Exactly.

Tara:  And for that very same reason, is because our … everything that we offer is built around getting hands on with what you’re doing and getting feedback on it, whether it’s feedback in the form of, you know, you go off and do an experiment, and you see what the real feedback is, or whether you get feedback from me or one of our other trainers, you know, that’s super important to me.  So I love that point.  I also really love the point that, you know, that the experiences that you offer, the live events that you offer are as much about credibility as they are about either marketing or even just making revenue to begin with.  Because I’m a huge fan of building products for marketing purposes, and getting people to pay for marketing, but I’ve never really thought about it as credibility building before, and I think absolutely, that’s huge.

Lori:  Yeah.

Tara:  That’s huge.

Lori:  No, it’s so big.  And then, you know, once people meet you face-to-face, then, you know, especially if you’re likeable, it might not work so much if you’re not so likeable, but you know, I think then you can talk to them differently.

Tara:  Yeah.

Lori:  It helps me, too, to write back.  You know, the courses and the home study programs are the bread and butter, right?  That’s where the biggest net comes from, that’s where, I mean, if we could just sell those all day, our job would be easy, but the events are fun, the events are where we actually get to meet people.  They change the way that we market future things.  You know, like, while we’re meeting people, we see that several of them all have the same problem.  They all are struggling with this one thing.   Well, then that gives us the next idea to build the next product or run the next event.  Or several of them are all interested in this, you know, one thing that I didn’t even know they were interested.  So you know, events give you that ability to just get to know your audience better.  You just have to be careful, because the audience that is at the event is not necessarily the same audience that you’re writing to at home.  You know, they’ve paid a lot more money, and they’ve taken a lot more action to get there.  So they are a tiny bit different than the people who haven’t taken action, and who haven’t paid money, and haven’t paid that kind of money at home.  So you do have to be a tiny bit careful.

Tara:  Yeah.

Lori:  But typically, they do give you a good eye into your audience.

Tara:  Yeah.  I want to ask you more about that in just a second, but I also want to make … I want to emphasize one other point that you made earlier, which is that in your market, as in so many markets for the people that are listening, people aren’t getting up one day and Googling how to be a travel writer, and you have to find kind of sideways paths into their attention to help them even see that this is a possibility and an opportunity.

Lori:  Exactly.

Tara:  And so for all of the, you know, all of the artists, the coaches, the wellness providers that are out there that are doing something innovative and different, you can’t rely on people coming to you for that thing.  You need to, you know, find the other things that they’re interested.

Lori:  Yes.

Tara:  That give you an in to talk about what you do.

Lori:  Definitely.  Definitely.  And I do see this, you know, again to piggyback on that, I do see in marketing copy a lot, some people will play the other side.  They’ll play the negative side.  You know, “I can see why you wouldn’t want a coach.”  You know, they’ll write that in their copy, but you might not want them because of this, this, this, and you know, when you do that, when you have to reach through someone’s computer and grab them and say, “Listen to me.”  You know, like, “I’m the best thing for you,” you don’t have to play that negative side.  They’re playing that for you already.

Tara:  Yeah.

Lori:  You don’t have to worry about that.  Like, but I do see that a lot in coaching and, you know, other things, too.  I do think that you have to keep in mind, you have to keep positive, and you have to keep in mind how much they’re really pulling back, and how much more you have to push if you want … because the truth is, like, nobody listening to this podcast is creating things that people don’t want, really?

Tara:  Right.

Lori:  You know, like, and if they did, like, eventually, they would find their way to what people do want.  Like, we all want to help people.  We all, if … if I showed up at one of my workshops and everybody told me that one of my programs was bad, I wouldn’t keep publishing it.  Like, you know, we all want to do the best thing, and we all want to help people, so you really have to believe in that.  Like you have to… and if it’s not, and you don’t believe in it, well, then you gotta stop.  You just shouldn’t be pushing that thing.  So anyway, I guess point is just, you know, keeping on the positive and really pulling hard.  You gotta hit ’em harder than you think you would.  These people are bored on the other side of your ads, and you gotta not only get them to wake up, you gotta get them to wake up, you gotta get them to listen to, and then you gotta get them to reach in their pocket and get out their wallet, and that takes … that’s a hard sell, you know?

Tara:  Absolutely.  So all right.  I’m gonna … I’m throwing out where I thought I was going with this.

Lori:  Okay.

Tara:  Because I want you to talk more about that, because I think this is going to be extremely helpful to people.  We know people, like you said, are bored on the other side of our ads or our social media updates, or whether, you know, no matter what it is.  I’d love that you said that to me the last time we talked, that you have to keep in mind that the reason people are scrolling through Facebook is not because they’re super engaged, it’s because they’re bored out of their minds.

Lori:  It’s they’re bored, mmhmm.

Tara:  So can you walk us through your thought process for creating an ad or a campaign to, you know, to get the attention of someone who is bored and disengaged, but potentially interested in what you have to offer?

Lori:  Right.  Okay.  So first things first, people are not bored on Facebook because they have nothing to do.  They are bored because they have too much to do, in most cases, so they are … they have so much to do, and they have so much going on in their personal life that they have to tune out all of that stuff.  They don’t want to be bothered by any of it.  They don’t know where to start.  So they go on Facebook.  So this is the person that you’re talking to, right?  Like he’s too much to do, a list a mile long, doesn’t know where to start, has, you know, they want to diet, they want to exercise, they want goal setting, they want someone to show them how to minimize their list, and they’re not doing any of those things, and instead, they’re on Facebook.  You know, first and foremost, whenever you are writing ads, you have to test.  Like I can tell you what works for us, and then you’ll go and try it and make it work for you, and it’s not gonna. 

You know, like we have … I have this wonderful marketer working for me now.  Her name is Lisa, and she comes to me with these questions:  Which one of these things do you like better?  And you know, we have this thing in my office, like, I have opinions, I have lots of them, if you ask me, I’m going to tell you my opinion, but if you don’t want it, don’t ask, because every time I … every time you ask, I’m going to give you something, and it might not be what you want to hear.  So she comes to me with all these ads: Which ones of these do you like best?  And I told her which one I liked, and there was one in particular that I strongly disliked, and I was like not that one, you know, these are the ones.  So what did she do? She went back and tested the ones I liked and the one I strongly disliked.  I love her.  You know, in her mind, she said later, like, I … I put this one in here because you had such a strong reaction to it.  I just thought, “What would happen?”  She’s like, “I knew you would be mad, but that ad won.”  And that was the one I didn’t want up there.  So you know, that just goes to show, like, you know, and I’ve been doing this for a long time.  This is my 16th year testing ads.  Like not on Facebook, of course, but you know, around and about for different products and different ways and different affiliates and stuff, and so I have a pretty good sense, usually, for what will work and what won’t, and you know, I’m wrong.  I’m wrong sometimes.  I’m wrong all the time, in fact.  So you just have to, you know, first and foremost, what works is what you test, and your audience says works.  That’s what works. 

But the big thing for me, and this is something that I’ve known all my career, but just was rebrought up.  In fact, I think it’s been brought up three or four times, and it didn’t resonate with me the way it’s resonated with me in these last two years is this idea of direct and indirect.  That if the audience does not know you, if they don’t know you and they don’t know your product, you have to be pretty indirect with your ads, and by that, I mean, you can tell a story.  You can quote facts and figures.  You can send them to an article first, instead of your promotion, but whatever it is, like you can’t, you know, you can’t run an ad that says 50% off of a travel-writing program.  They don’t know what travel writing is.  They don’t know who Great Escape Publishing is.  They don’t know me, they don’t know, you know, they’re not going to pay 50% off.  They’re not going to pay $10.  They don’t know … they don’t know any of those things.  So I think that’s the biggest mistake that I see a lot of people making.  I see people who have businesses like potentially life coaches or you know … you know, if you’re going to have a party planning business or a, you know, catering business, or anything like that, if people don’t know you and they don’t know your product, you know, 50% off deals or price deals, anything like that isn’t going to work, you need to be much more indirect.  And on the other side, if your audience does know you, then you need to be very direct.  If I ran an ad for 50% off a travel writing program to everybody on our newsletter file who’s been following me weekly or daily for years, they’re going to jump on that like white on rice, right?

Tara:  Mmhmm.

Lori:  Because I can be super direct, super short, super to the point.  I don’t need to tell them how great travel writing is, I don’t need to tell them how many places they can go in a single year, I don’t need to tell them stories about all of our members who have had success with this.  They already know that stuff.  They just want a cheap, good deal, and you can be very up front about that.  So indirect, you can use stories, you can use articles, you can use, what was the other thing I said?  Oh, facts and figures.  And if you were going to make a direct offer, you can put a big bold promise up at the top, you could put money, an offer, you know 50% off or whatever, or you could put a problem/solution is kind of like where you put the problem and then a solution.  You just have to be careful with that, because again, that kind of borderlines indirect, where they might know the problem, but they might not … they might not trust you to be the solution to that problem.  So anyway, yeah, first, if I was going to talk about, or I was going to guide someone into a Facebook ad, you know, the very first thing, first and foremost, you gotta test.  You gotta test a bunch of things.  Bright, bold colors.  Videos work, you know, little snippets of video works.  Just taking text and turning it into a video works.  You know, beautiful pictures work.  You know, we test a few things.  I can’t tell you that they did gangbusters, but calling people out based on what the emotions that we think that they have on Facebook.  You know, “Are you bored at work?  Wouldn’t you rather be in Paris or on this beach?”  You know, because we know that’s what they’re already thinking.  We tried that, and it did pretty well.  You know, those kinds of things work, but will they work for you?  You don’t know.  You don’t know until you test.  So you gotta test, you gotta test a ton of things.  Throw a bunch of stuff at the wall, see what sticks, but do keep in mind this direct and indirect thing.  You know, you can’t go out with a big, bold promise if nobody knows you and nobody knows your product, but you’re also leaving money on the table if you’re going after an audience who does know you, and then you’re hitting them very indirectly, you know, with a story lead or facts and figures and stuff that they already know, or stuff that, you know, they’re just too bored to read.  You could just hit them over the head with a money offer, and you know, they’d be in your hands.

Tara:  Yeah, that’s where I’ve realized that I’ve been going very, very wrong in recent years.

Lori:  Everybody, right?

Tara:  Yeah.

Lori:  I do it, too.  I look back, you know, like even just from six months ago, and I’ve been talking about direct and indirect for awhile now, and this is not a … this is not my secret.  You know, this is something that direct mail people have known for years and years, and it’s been in our industry for a really, really long time.  And like I said, it’s been brought up several times, but you hear different things every year, right?

Tara:  Mmhmm.

Lori:  And even, like I said, six months ago, I’m looking back at something that we ran, I’m like, oh, well, no wonder that didn’t work.  Look at this.  You know, like this could have been … this was for our VIP program that we have, we sent it only to our best buyers, and we didn’t come right out and tell them what we wanted them to do.  Like instead, we led them down this long story about how nice it would be to be traveling with them in all these great places.  We should have just come out and said, “Look, this week, you get $1000 off.  Done.”  And it would have worked.  You know, that’s what worked in the past.  So, you know, this direct/indirect thing is something that you have to practice.  It’s something you have to keep in mind all the time with everything that you do.  It’s not something that … that you’re just going to get, and then it’ll be with you forever.  No, it takes practice.

Tara:  Absolutely.  Yes.  I practice it every single day.  How many concepts do you guys come up with when you’re preparing a new ad or a new sales page?  Is there sort of like an average number that you shoot for?

Lori:  Hmm.  No.  I mean, different things, I think Facebook probably only lets you test three at a time, right?  I think.  It’s been awhile, because we have one that’s up there now that’s doing so well, we can’t really test anything else, because they won’t let you test two things to the same audience.  So we would either have to take down the one that’s working really well in order to test something else, and we’re not doing that.

Tara:  Yeah.

Lori:  So we’re just letting it ride.  So you know, it’s been awhile since I’ve had my hands in the Facebook stuff, and you know, Google’s just changing the way that they are doing their AdWords now, so we’re … our Google stuff is not doing … wasn’t doing well, and now, we just have to rethink all that given their … the changes that they’re making.  So yeah, it just depends.  When we have … when we run ads to affiliates, like if we were to buy space in budget travel or something like that, you know, you would buy one and it would run in a month, and then, you know, you need to wait for those results before you bought another one.  We’re testing now, and you can test two things, like one against something else, but the audience isn’t big enough.  So that’s the other thing I think that marketers don’t realize is that testing requires lots of orders, right?  Like if one ad brings in 16 orders and one ad brings in 14 orders, the 16 order ad did not win.  Two people do not make that a statistically valid sample.  That just means that, you know, test B went into the trash can more than test A.  You know?

Tara:  Mmhmm.

Lori:  Like it doesn’t mean anything.  Two people’s not a big enough sample size.  So a lot of times, and especially in these smaller niche markets where you’re looking at small magazines and online websites, you just don’t have an audience big enough to test more than two things, one thing against another.  So that makes it hard.  That makes it hard.  So we don’t usually have, like we have different, when I say we have a lot of irons in the fire, I’m talking about we have some things over on Facebook, some things working to our affiliate ads, some things working up over on Google, maybe we have some things in the mail, maybe we’ve, you know, split our list and we are offering a VIP membership to our multi-buyers, those are people who buy more than one program, while we’re advertising our main course, our travel-writing course or our photography course, to the people who have been on our file for awhile but have never actually bought anything from us.  So you know, we may have like all of those things going on at once, all while one or two members of my staff are on location, you know, in Vietnam with a photography group, or in Palm Springs with 100 photographers, and then they’re trying to sell, you know, whatever backend things we have going on there.  So we have lots of things going on, but probably, individually, at each one, we’re only trying one thing.  Does that make sense?

Tara:  Yeah, yeah.   No, that makes complete sense.  Yeah, thank you.

So you’ve mentioned your team a couple of times, and that’s one of the things that I always like to ask about.  So can you give us sort of just a rundown on who makes up Great Escape Publishing at this point?

Lori:  Sure.  So we have nine.  I think there’s nine of us.  We have Cayson, who lives in South Florida.  She is actually in the office of my parent company, and we do that so they that they can keep a finger on our pulse and we can keep a finger on their pulse and we share information.  So she’s in south Florida and she answers our phones and our tickets or all of the emails that come in.  She monitors our Facebook pages, she helps our attendees get registered for events, and you know, if they have questions about what to pack or can they extend their stay, and she’ll work directly with our experts to get them that information.  And then I am here in Virginia right outside of DC and in Alexandria, and I work from home, and there are three other girls, CC, Alyssa, and Christina, who live in DC, and they commute here to my house twice a week.  So we work together twice a week, which is where we get all of our creative stuff done, and our brainstorming, and we work through problems, and you know, do all of that.  We also, because we work from home the rest of the time, we also chitchat a lot.  We get the majority of our work done when we’re working from home.  We get the majority of our chitchatting and talking done when we’re all working together.  Jackie used to work here.  She moved to Richmond, so she’s not too far away, and she takes the train in every once in awhile to join us, but she works from home in Richmond.  Marade is in Ireland, so everything that we do with her is telecommuting, and she does our marketing.  So all the promotions that we mail, she’s working with our writers to get them up and make any changes that need to be made, and she also schedules some ads with some of our bigger affiliates, and then Lisa is in Hagerstown, Maryland, and she does all of our Facebook and Google marketing, and Bonnie’s in Portland, Oregon, and she does a lot of our photography stuff.  So Bonnie is also a professional photographer, she edits some of our programs, she creates some of our programs, she runs this one of our business, the Breakfast.Club, and so yeah, she just, any kind of time that we want to advertise a photography program or create a new one, Bonnie is the one that we go to for all of that.

Tara:  Awesome.  Thank you for that.  So as we start to wrap up here, there’s one thing that we haven’t talked about that I really wanted to make sure that we got to, which is, you know, you mentioned that you are primarily marketing to seniors, retirees who are either interested in making a second career or at least pursuing this interest in travel writing and travel photography at a substantial level, and you and I have talked before about just how interesting it is to see these people grow and change from whatever their career was before, whatever their role in life was before, into this new role and this new identity.  Can you talk a little bit about what you’ve learned watching that transformation happen?

Lori:  Hmm.  Well, I’ve learned that incredibly confident people become incredibly not confident when they switch, when they come out of what … You know, I think … and this is true for everybody, right?  Like nobody likes to be a beginner.  It’ll be interesting to see what happens to our generation when we become retirees, because we have our hands in so many different things, and we’re trying so many different things, but their generation, you know, picked a career and then stuck with it for a really long time, and so I think they just have a hard time putting themselves out there.  They have a hard time letting them be beginners, letting themselves be beginners.  They don’t want to be bad at anything, which I guess is true across all generations, but I see that as something that they’re struggle with.  You know, I tell them often that I read somewhere that it takes 7 hours to make a Toyota and 7 days to make a Rolls Royce.  And you know, I think they want to jump ahead to the Rolls Royce.  They see our experts.  They see these amazing photographs. They see these travel writers who are going all over the place, and they just want to jump ahead to that, but they need to let themselves be a Toyota first.  You know, like, they need to … it’s not … if you get … you know, it’s the journey, right?  I mean, this is what everybody is all about. 

I saw this interview with a tightrope walker once, you know, these are … or it’s called like tightlining, I think, and you start by tying a rope by two trees and you walk across it like a tightrope, but then once you get really good at this, people are tying ropes across huge rock formations, like pieces of the Grand Canyon, and they’re walking across a tight rope, across, you know, the Grand Canyon.  And she said one of the biggest mistakes that you can make as a tightliner is focusing on the end, because the whole point of tightlining is the journey from the start to the end.  Once you’ve gotten to the end, it’s over.  And I love that, because it’s the same thing with everything.  It’s the same thing with marketing, it’s the same thing with travel writing, it’s the same things with photography.  Once you get to the end, it’s over.  You know, enjoy this time where you’re just figuring things out and you’re learning, because you can never go back to this.  Like this is your beginning.  And what better, I mean, we’re very lucky.  In travel writing and photography, that journey is pretty fun.  We’re not like learning how to clean teeth.

Tara:  Right.

Lori:  Or, you know, brush toilets.  Like we’re traveling and we’re taking pictures and yeah, so I’d say that’s part of their big struggle is just letting themselves be a beginner and letting themselves go down a different journey and also, pushing aside those people in their life who don’t want them to make any changes or don’t want them to try anything new.  So you have a little bit of that.

Tara:  Yeah, I love that, and I see that with my clients as well, is that they’re just, they want to skip ahead to the end, and of course, even with entrepreneurship, there is … there is no end.  You can’t …

Lori:  There is no end.

Tara:  You can’t skip ahead.  The whole … the journey is the thing.

Lori:  Yup.

Tara:  And if you expect to be perfect at it from the beginning, if you expect to just get it, you’re going to be very, very, very disappointed.

Lori:  Exactly.

Tara:  Yeah, okay, last question, and this is one that I ask the vast majority of our guests.  You are both an executive and a marketer and an intrapreneur, really, an entrepreneur, and you have this amazing creative side to you as well where you love writing and you love taking photographs and you love exploration.  How do you balance the roles of creative and executive in your business?

Lori:  Yeah, that’s hard, right?  Well, it’s lucky for me, because my products are creative.

Tara:  Mmhmm.

Lori Allen, Director of Great Escape Publishing, on Profit. Power. Pursuit. with Tara GentileLori:  So anytime that I’m at a workshop, or you know, whatever, I … it doesn’t look unusual for me to whip out a camera.  That’s what everyone else is doing, so you know, I get that there.  I also have very young kids, so you know, I get to play in the mud and paint and you know, do all that kind of stuff with them.  It is hard, but I do think if you love what you do, like you kind of put your own spin on it anyway.  I’d say I probably have it easier than most, just because my products are creative, but yeah, I think it’s always … it’s always hard.  Like, right?  You know, that’s another big lesson, too, is just that what people think is your job and what is really your job are often two different things. 

You know, I think people look at me and they see me riding elephants and photographing lantern festivals and riding in Jeeps in Africa and they think that’s my job.  Well, that’s not really my job.  My job is first and foremost a marketer.  Like, I am writing ads all day long.  Like I … my hands are going to fall off, I write so much.  And I read so much and I edit so much and I’m constantly trying to improve and see what other people are doing, and you know, I read a ton of books, and … but also, my job is raises and reviews for employees, and it’s, you know, figuring out insurance and tax questions and, you know, can we take Australian dollars on this ad from this affiliate.  You know, like it’s a lot of technical things that I don’t like, and it is a balance to do more of what I like and not what I don’t like, but I think I’ve just gotten better at hiring people to deal with the things that I don’t like.

Tara:  Yeah.

Lori:  And that’s a lesson you learn … you learn, too.  But you do have to understand in this business, like, whether you’re an artist, whether you’re a photographer, whether you’re a coach, you know, you think that’s your job.  You think your job is to coach people.  You think your job is to take pictures.  You think your job is to paint.  But it’s really not.  It’s to sell your painting.  It’s to sell your photographs.  It’s to sell your coaching.  So you need to just buck up and put on your marketing hat and learn how to do that, because that … that’s the difference between those who make it and those who don’t is the marketing.

Tara:  Amen.  I totally agree.  Lori Allen, thank you so much for joining me today.

Lori:  You’re welcome.  Thank you so much for having me.

Tara:  You can learn more about Lori and everything Great Escape Publishing has to offer budding travel writers and photographers by going to GreatEscapePublishing.com.

Next week, I’ll sit down with Jennifer Lee, founder and author of The Right Brain Business Plan, to talk about her current plan and how it’s helping her to evolve her business, why she decided to retire her successful Right Brainers in Business Video Summit, and how she manages her time as a creative business owner.

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That’s it for this week’s episode of Profit. Power. Pursuit.  You can download other episodes of this podcast and subscribe in the iTunes store.  If you enjoy what you heard, we appreciate your reviews and recommendations, because they help us reach as many emerging entrepreneurs as possible.  Our theme song was written by Daniel Peterson, who also edited this episode.  Our audio engineer was Jaime Blake.  This episode was produced by Elizabeth Madariaga.  You can catch up on older episodes in the iTunes store, where new episodes are added every week, and you can learn more by going to CreativeLive.com.

The Power of Self-Publishing: More Customers, Credibility, and Cash

Tara Gentile on Self-Publishing on Profit. Power. Pursuit.

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Tara:  Welcome to a special episode of Profit. Power. Pursuit.  This week, we’re turning the mic around and welcoming our producer, Michael Karsh into the booth.  Michael asked me about my experience writing and publishing four books, how they’ve led to more credibility, customers, and cash in my business, and the unexpected way those books fit into my business model.  Michael, take it from here.

Michael:  Hey there, my name is Michael Karsh.  I’m the Executive Producer of Content at CreativeLive.  I’ve had the honor of not only producing some episodes of Tara Gentiles podcast, but also producing several of her workshops here at CreativeLive, so I’m honored actually to be talking to her today about self-publishing, and I wanted to ask Tara some questions that she could share with the audience.  So Tara, where was your business at when you decided to publish your first book?

Tara:  Oh, when I decided to publish my first book, it was way back in 2011, and that was a very long time ago it seems like now, but my business was, you know, a fairly successful business coaching business.  Which meant that on a regular basis, I was, you know, working with one-on-one clients, you know, maybe 5 to 10 at a time.  I was also running a blog that had some advertising components to it, and making money through some kind of early stage courses as well, so while I had multiple streams of revenue, the biggest part of my business was just one-to-one services, one-to-one coaching, as it is with many of our listeners’ businesses, and while it was … while I would certainly call it successful, it was paying the bills, and it was much more than paying the bills.  I mean, I had already become our family’s breadwinner at that point.  It also wasn’t, you know, this ticket to wealth and fame, and you know, I wasn’t rolling in money.  Not that I am now, either, but it’s a, you know, my business is very different now.  So I was where a lot of people are.  I was getting traction, certainly, with my blog, with content marketing that I was doing, with social media marketing, but there were a lot of other things that I wanted.  I wanted to move into working in more leveraged solutions, so I wanted to create more programs, I wanted to work with more entrepreneurs and business owners at one time, and most of all, I wanted to book more speaking gigs, because I love being on stage or behind the microphone, and speaking for me was just this big, big goal that I had.  And of course, one of the best ways to book more speaking gigs is to release a book, and of course, it also just happened to be that my other kind of lifelong goal, other than getting on stage, was publishing a book.  And so it just seemed like it was a good time.  Back in 2011, everyone was publishing books, and also, back in 2011, everyone was charging crazy sums of money for books.  It’s very different than it is now, but I was, you know, I was in a market where people were charging anywhere from $40 to $150 for a pdf eBook, and it just seemed like, wow, that’s got to be a pretty easy way to get published, make some money, woo some new clients, establish some more credibility, and that’s what I wanted to do, so that’s why I did it.

Michael:  So, wow.  So it’s 2011, and people are charging $100 for a book, a pdf.  How did you decide what the topic was going to be for the first book you were going to write and self-publish?

Tara Gentile on writing a book on Profit. Power Pursuit.Tara:  Yeah, so the way I decided the first topic was sort of like if you could imagine a Venn diagram of what I was most interested in and the questions that people were asking me most, that’s what my topic ended up being, and it was all about money.  I was really interested in money, because I realized starting to make more and more and more of it, and having to set prices on the value of my time, the value of my work, the value of the results that I was getting for people, I had a lot of money stuff to deal with, and I saw it holding me back.  There were all these limiting beliefs that I had, all these misconceptions about what money was all about, and all of this sort of positive program about money that I had gotten in my childhood that was reprogrammed in just five years of working for someone else, and so those questions were super interesting to me.  It was really what was consuming the vast majority of my time not spent with clients is trying to work through these issues.  But on the flip side of that, as I worked through those issues, and largely, you know, did it very publicly, because that’s what I do, and when there’s things that are on my mind, when there’s questions I’m asking myself, you can bet it’s going to show up on my blog or in my podcast, or you know, wherever I’m creating content.  So I was, you know, wrestling with those questions publicly as well, and people were talking back like crazy.  I was getting emails, I was getting blog comments, people were talking to me on social media.  They just, they wanted to hear more and more and more, and the, seemingly, the demand for this topic was just limitless.  And it was like, okay, that’s very easy, this is what my first book topic is going to be, and what I did is sort of take the work that I had been doing, the questions that I had been asking myself in my head, and I just created a super simple outline.  Like I think these are the 10, 12, 15, I don’t even remember now, topics that I want to kind of cover.  These are the questions I want to ask, answer, and these are the messages that I want to share, the kind of conclusions that I’ve come to.  And I just parsed that out in Evernote.  That’s one thing that has not changed about the way I produce books.  I parsed that out in Evernote, and just wrote a bunch of small essays, answering these questions, dealing with these stories, and kind of sharing the messages that I wanted to share, and that became the very first eBook, The Art of Earning.

Michael:  So did that process, the process of you before you started, or staring down at your computer screen in your Evernote thing, before you started writing versus when you actually wrote the book, was it easier than you thought?  Was it more difficult?  What was going in your mind before you started versus when you had this thing complete?

Tara:  Yeah, great question.  So for me, keep in mind, I had been blogging at that point since 2010, so a year and a half, not a ton of time, but I was producing a lot of content, so I was producing probably anywhere between 500 and 1500 words a day, which is not a lot in and of itself, but you know, over 365 days out of the year, you know, maybe I wasn’t doing every single day, but most days, I was producing quite a lot of content, and I was writing a lot.  So I didn’t think that the process of, you know, creating these I think it was 13,000 words, I didn’t think that was going to be that difficult, and it wasn’t, but at the same time, I realized through the process, and definitely later on with my other books that writing a quote/unquote book is very different than writing for your blog every day.  13,000 words in my blog is very different than a 13,000 word eBook, and maybe that’s obvious to everybody else but me, but I feel like every time I sit down to write a book, it’s sort of this reminder of, like, yeah, I’m switching from short-form content to long-form content, and that’s even from someone like me who my short-form content tends to be between 1500 and 3000 words.  So it’s not that I’m not capable of creating long thoughts, it’s that I’m a little more reticent to creating long thoughts over, you know, long periods of time, over many pages.  So that very first book, that actually wasn’t an issue, because each of the essays, while they certainly, there’s an order to them, there’s an arc to it, it’s not one narrative, it’s multiple essays.  You know, sort of the way, if you think of a short story collection, it’s like that.  There’s a theme, but it’s not … It’s not … It’s not one narrative.  So I wrote that first book basically on two transcontinental flights.  So the summer that I wrote that book, I flew back and forth from Pennsylvania to Portland twice, and that was my writing time.  That was back before there was Wi-Fi on many planes.  Man, geez.  And so I wasn’t bogged down by any of my other work.  I, like I said, I plotted out the outline, and I just went through it, and it was such a work of joy for me to be able to finally get the stuff down on paper in a way, or digital paper, in a way that made sense to me, and allowed me to kind of answer some of the questions in a way that I hadn’t before.

Michael:  Ah, that’s excellent.  So you mentioned that you’ve now published four books.  So how did writing that first book differ from writing all the subsequent books?  You had mentioned that, you know, the first one was really a compilation of many different essays, so how is that different from the subsequent books you’ve written?

Tara:  Yeah.  Each of the books that I have written have become more and more one narrative arc.  So the second book that I wrote was called The Art of Growth, also a very short book.  I think that one was about 15,000 words, and The Art of Growth started as a few content pieces that I had already created, but then I wrote content that bridged those altogether and created one narrative and one kind of argument in this book, and so there’s still some disjointedness in there, there’s still some of that like I’m going to look at this theme from multiple different angles, but there’s also much more of an undercurrent of, you know, here’s what we’re trying to accomplish in this book, which is really looking at how your business evolves as it grows.

The third book was Quiet Power Strategy.  That’s by far my longest book.  It’s a little over 30,000 words, and that’s kind of written in three different parts.

And then my last book, The Observation Engine, which just came out last fall, is a very short book.  That one’s only 8000 words, but it is from start to finish one idea, and so that was actually a big accomplishment.

So that’s one way that the books have changed.  Another way that the books have changed is that when I wrote that first book in 2011, you weren’t able to or maybe just people weren’t publishing directly to the Kindle store, yet.  Kindle was still a very new concept, and so when I published that book, I was specifically publishing it as a pdf.  That’s what everybody else was doing, and it’s one of the reasons we were able to command prices that were so outside of the regular book market, and so that book kind of stood on its own that way.  Every other book that I’ve released, I’ve released a Kindle version at the same time.  I’ve released my … the version on my website.  I’ve also, the pricing has also dramatically changed.  So that very first book I wrote with a suggested retail price of $25, because like I said, that was sort of, you know, that was even on the low side of the market rate, the going rate at the time, but I also published it with a pay what you want model.  So you were able to go into my website and change the price on the book to anything from $5 on up.  $5 was the low end, and so I sold a great number of books based on people talking about, you know, this pay what you want thing.  So that was huge.  It added this whole viral component to it that I didn’t really, I sort of anticipated it, but not to the degree that it created, and so you know, just as a quick aside, interestingly enough, the pay what you want price, the average over the first, I think, three years of that book was about $15.  Which meant that there were a lot of people paying full price for that book, because there were a heck of a lot of people paying $5 for it, and so that $15 mark was one that kind of really stuck out in my brain as like okay, this is about where people feel good about self-published, independent content with a very specific purpose for them and what they want to achieve, and so that’s kind of been the price point, then, that I’ve worked with since then.  But that said, that’s the price point that I use for what I call my multimedia packages, and so now, again, when I release a book, I release a package of things, and so it’s the pdf version, it’s the audiobook, and then it’s multiple mobile files so that you can use it on any device.  What that allows me to do, then, is put it on the Kindle store at a much cheaper price.  So $2.99, $5.99, which is much more in keeping with the marketplace over there, and the price that people expect to pay, but it also allows me then to distribute it too as many people as possible, and that’s really what Amazon has allowed us to accomplish in the last five years that we could not when I published that first book.  So now, when I publish a book, it’s with this dual purpose of both releasing that multimedia package to my audience, because they greatly prefer to just buy it straight through me, get that audio book, get all that good stuff, but also, getting it into the Amazon store, where I can be the number one bestseller in, you know, in a subsection of business for a week, and get in front of people I would have never gotten in front of before, and so that, that to me is kind of the most exciting change in the eBook market over the last five years.

Michael:  So you mentioning the price of a book and how it can drive revenue.  I’m sort of interested in how does publishing fit into your business model?  Fit into what you want in your business?

Tara:  Yeah.  So this is a great question, and it’s a big misconception that people have.  So while I definitely make profit and drive revenue through books in my business, the way I view books in terms of my business model is as marketing.  So I mentioned that we’ve had this huge change where Amazon allows us to put our content in front of more people than ever before, whether that’s as a low-cost eBook, or whether that’s as a free eBook, and you can even do things like the Kindle Select Program, I think I’m saying that right, and I probably got it wrong, but where you can actually promote your Kindle book for free if you agree to not distribute it anywhere else, which I think is, you know, that really works well for people.  It’s not something that I use.  So yeah, so I use books as marketing, and I actually, in several of my large launches, I’ve done several six-figure launches of information and coaching programs over the last couple of years.  My most successful launches have been as the piggy back to a book launch.  So what I’ll do is actually create the book around the conversation that I want to have, the answer to the question that everybody is asking, and share that book with as many people as possible, because people love talking about books.  They love sharing books.  They love reading books.  They love engaging with books and with authors.  And so it allows me to create this amazing momentum and attention at the beginning of a launch, and then once people have been able to digest that a little bit, look further for answers, look, you know, ask new questions.  I’m able to kind of swoop in on the backend of that with a follow-up launch that actually sells my coaching program.  So it’s not like I leave anything out of the books, because I couldn’t do that even if I tried.  I put as much into them as I possibly can, but of course, when you read a book, you have new questions.  That’s sort of the beauty of reading a book is that for all the answers that it can provide to you, it’s also going to spark a whole lot of curiosity and new questions as well, and so then for that curiosity and new questions, I have other offers, and so the books become marketing for the higher-ticket offers that are actually what drives the vast majority of my revenue, even though the customer base, the client base for that is, you know, exponentially smaller.

Michael:  So then can you share with us some of the successes that you’ve had as a direct result of your four self-published books?

Tara:  Yeah.  So this is kind of like it still blows my mind some of the things that I’ve been able to do specifically because of the books that I’ve written.  That very first book, The Art of Earning, got me a keynote talk at Etsy headquarters up in Brooklyn that was livestreamed out to 10s of thousands of their sellers.  I believe that was, I think that was actually in 2011.  If not, it was 2012, and for years afterwards, I actually went looking for it today, and I think they’ve taken it down now, but for years afterwards, I’d get tweets and emails and Facebook messages about that talk, and so yes, books have gotten me speaking gigs, but books have gotten me some really incredible speaking gigs, like that one at Etsy headquarters.  I’ve also gotten to speak in Scotland, in Wales, in Cancun, you know, in Portland, in Austin, in Washington, D.C., all over the place, specifically on the topics of my books.  You know, people still want me to talk about The Art of Earning and money.  They definitely want me to come and talk about Quiet Power Strategy, which is my third book, and so these gigs come directly out of that.  We also get a lot of clients that come to us specifically because of my books as well, and so you know, we’ll get an email that says, you know, are you accepting new clients?  When does your program enroll next?  I just got finished reading Quiet Power Strategy, and I really want to work with you.  Nothing else has spoken to me like your book has spoken to me.  You’re the people I want to work with.  And so that means we’re taking a $10 sale, or even a $7 sale, and it’s translating immediately into a $1500 to $3500 sale.  That is a huge way to, you know, kind of ramp up that customer journey in a very, very, very fast way.  Something that you wouldn’t be able to accomplish with traditional email marketing or with a webinar.  Books can do that very fast.

We just hosted our very first conference, actually, which I suppose is another result of my book, Quiet Power Strategy, but we just hosted our very first conference called Quiet Power Strategy: The Summit, and our opening keynote speaker was a guy named Charlie Gilke, who is also a brilliant self-published author.  He has a book called The Small Business Life Cycle.  I highly recommend it.  But he talked in his keynote about how books are this extremely unique medium that will scale infinitely.  In other words, you know, once you’ve written and published and printed the book, there’s no cost for selling more of them.  You just sell them and sell them and sell them.  But they’re the one thing that scales infinitely that also has this incredibly intimate, almost one-to-one feeling, environment to it, and so that’s how you can work people through your customer journey so fast, or book the speaking gig, or get the media feature, because as soon as they read that book, they have this personal, intimate relationship with you as an author and with your ideas as solutions to their problems, and that means they’re going to want more.  That means they trust you in a way that you cannot accomplish otherwise.  They have this relationship with you that allows them to say yes, she’s the one, he’s the one, they are the people that can help me with this particular problem.  And so for people who want to figure out how to scale their business quickly but maintain that intimacy and relationship, books are the thing that will do that like nothing else.

Michael:  Oh, that’s excellent.  That’s great.  So I want to switch topics just a little bit and ask you about the marketing of the books.

Tara:  Yeah.

Michael:  I know we’ve talked about this before.  So it sounds like when you started writing your first book, like, you had all this content, you were ready to get going, and you did it.  So tell me about actually marketing your books once they’re published.

Tara:  Yes.  So this is where I am the worst.  Self-admittedly.  So for me, I put all of my emphasis, all of my effort, all of my energy into the process of unpacking the ideas and getting them written into a form that’s going to make sense for people, that’s going to be engaging and readable, and help them solve their problems.  And so while marketing is something that in all other cases, I pride myself on, I think about probably more than anything else, when it comes to writing a book, it’s the thing I think about last, and I think you hear that from a lot of authors.  Chris Guillabeau might actually be an exception, where here is a brilliant book marketer, but yeah, a lot of authors that I talk to, our focus is on writing, it’s on creating, it’s on understanding the idea that we’re trying to communicate, and the marketing is kind of the thing that falls by the wayside.

Now, that said, as I said earlier, because books are marketing for me, I don’t need to reach tens of thousands of people with my books to achieve my goals.  I can reach 1000 people.  I could reach 100 people with my book and reach my goals, and there have been times where that has specifically been my goal.  You know, I don’t care if I don’t get 1000 sales on the very first day.  What I care about is that the right ten people or the right 100 people are reading that book, and so I give a lot of books out for free, whether that’s to my membership community, whether that’s at speaking gigs, whether it’s for, you know, as gifts for telesummits that I speak at, or you know, when I’m on CreativeLive, I’m always giving books away for free.  To me, the book is the marketing, and the important thing is that people read it, and so that’s a huge piece of the marketing of the book to me is actually just getting it in people’s hands, letting them read it, and having them talk to their friends about it.  And then also for me, for where I’m at in my business, another piece of marketing for my books is actually speaking gigs.  So speaking gigs come from books, and speaking gigs also lead back to books, and so if I give a talk on Quiet Power Strategy or I give a talk on The Art of Earning, people are going to go and read that book.

Another thing that I’ve done pretty successfully in terms of marketing my books is actually create little business cards for my books.  So Moo lets you do this really, really easily, and one time, probably the time that I executed this best was for my very first book I made a little Moo card that looked like the cover of my book, or resembled the cover of my book, and on the flip side of it, I put a quote from the book.  So there were all sorts of like little pithy quotes throughout the book, and I think I picked like 10 of them, and you know with Moo cards, you can print 10 different things on the backs of the same cards, and so what I would do is I would go around to the different workshops that I was teaching at conferences or locally, and I would just put a Moo card with my book on it on every chair before my workshop, and they could go there and purchase the book, or you know, maybe if I was giving it away for free that time, they’d get it for free, but that way, they not only had this kind of physical reminder of the book, but they also, it was almost like a fortune cookie, you know, the back of the book.  Like this is your money mantra for today, and so that was super, super effective.

Reviews are incredibly effective.  So the more you can ask people to talk about your book on their blog, on their podcast, on their, you know, even just leave a review on Amazon, that’s huge.  And then the other, the, the, probably the biggest way I’ve marketed my books over the years is through interviews.  So interviews like this one, actually, but on other people’s podcasts instead of mine.  Where any time I’ve got a new book coming out, I’ll make a list of 20, 30 different podcasts that I want to be on.  We’ll pitch those people.  The vast majority of them say yes, and you know, they love it, because they know exactly what they want to ask me about, they’ve got sort of an outline for the whole thing.  We can talk about the book, we can talk about other things, but you know, with that as well, I don’t have to pitch it.  All I have to do is talk about it and talk about the ideas, and that makes people want to read it.  So it’s a really great way of, again, of establishing a relationship, creating that intimacy, and then also following that up with the sale.

Michael:  That’s great.  So I wanted to ask you when you’re sitting down to write it, or even before, when you decide you’re going to write a new book, do you … Do you write out clear goals of what you want to occur from this book?  What you want to happen from this book?  Is it that clear?  Or …

Tara:  You know, I should.  I wouldn’t say that I sit down and write them out, but I do spend a lot of time thinking about what I want from a launch, and I spent a lot of time thinking about what the specific purpose of launching this book is right now.  Because at any given time, there’s probably 20 books rattling around in my head that I could write, right?  So if I’ve picked a particular idea, and I’ve picked a particular release date, there’s a reason that I’ve picked those things, and so I want to think about what is that specific intention that I have for this book, this idea, at this moment in time, for my business, for myself personal, and for my customers?  What is that problem that I’m going help them fix with this book, and how does that relate to then their relationship back to my business and with me?  And so while I might have sales goals, financial goals, review goals, you know, five-star goals, whatever it might … whatever metrics you might be using to measure the success of your book launch, for me, it’s much more about the intention and purpose behind that launch than it is about a specific metric, and so that’s what I tend to spend my time goalsetting thinking about.

Michael:  And is that calendar, when you’re looking at that as part of maybe even a further product launch and education product that you might be selling as a result of say a book you publish, are you looking at a calendar six months to a year out?

Tara:  Yeah, I’m always looking at least 12 months out.  So you know, right now, I know at least what I’m going to be launching through this time 2017.  So, you know, June 2016 to June 2017, really, I could tell you what we’re going to be launching to the end of December 2017.  We look pretty far, excuse me, we look pretty out at this point, because we have a pretty big ship to steer.  If you have a younger, less mature business, less moving parts, less people that you have to pay, you know, I think you can easily look three to six months in advance, but especially when you’re thinking about writing books and while, you know, in the CreativeLive class, we’re going to be talking about doing it in five days, which yes, is totally possible, you know, most people want to spend a little bit more time with their books than that, and so you know, maybe it takes you a month to produce your book.  Maybe it takes you six months to produce your book.  The Quiet Power Strategy book really took me almost a year and a half from ideation to publication, and I worked solidly on it for probably about four months.  Books are something that I could always spend more time on.  Michael, we were talking with Jason Womack earlier today, and he posted the question for us, you know, three, six, nine months from now, what would you wish you had spent more time on?  What would you have wished you started earlier?  And for me, it is always the book.  I always wish I started the book earlier, and so planning six, twelve, eighteen months out is really important for me in kind of thinking through where that book is going to fit in my world, in my life, in my customer’s life, and that helps me kind of get, you know, like I said, it’s marketing, for me, and so if it’s going to be part marketing for me, then that means I need to know where it fits in the whole scheme of what my business is creating and offering at any given time.

Michael:  So, now physically, how you actually find the time to do it, and because it is a marketing tactic for you and for your business, how do you schedule that into your life?  So say, for instance, you’re going to be working on a book for the next two months, what are the systems that you use in order to make sure you’re doing the work necessary to hit that launch date?

Tara:  Yeah, so I still write on airplanes. 

Michael:  And you travel a lot.

Tara:  And I travel a lot.  So for me, books are about … books are rarely a part of my eight-hour workday.  For me, books are about those stolen pockets of time where you have motivation, inspiration, and the space to do something different.  For me, that happens on airplanes.  For a lot of my clients, it happens on Saturday mornings, where they’re very happy to not sleep in on the weekend.  They might even be very happy to put their kid in front of Saturday morning cartoons and sit in the office and write for two hours, right?  And so if you give yourself enough time, ahead of time because you’re planning, you can absolutely write your book in eight Saturday mornings.  There’s no reason you can’t do that.  Especially if you’re looking at a ten to fifteen-thousand-word book.  Very, very doable.  I greatly admire people who do the, you know, ass in chair form of writing, you know, as professional writers do, but for as much as I write, for as much money as I make writing and as a result of my writing, I am not a professional writer.  I run a business training company, and so that’s my 9 to 5 job, or my 9 to 5 responsibility, and so I find time outside of that to write my books, whether that’s an hour while I’m drinking a beer at the bar when I write, or whether that’s on an airplane, or whether it’s at a personal retreat.  So you know, if I’m getting closer to a deadline than I would like to be, I will certainly take a writing retreat.  Our mutual friend, Vanessa Van Edwards was just doing a writing retreat to finish up her book that’s due in June, and yeah, I love that.  You know, just two days holed up in a nice hotel with room service, you can bang out a lot of work in that time.  I was recently on a retreat in Austin, and I wrote about, and this was like with a horrible headache and like non-optimal conditions, wrote I think about five to seven thousand words just sort of in one afternoon just banging it out because I knew what I wanted to write, I knew what the intention was behind it, and I had the stolen pocket of time where there was nothing better for me to be doing than this work, and it was really what I wanted to be doing, too.

Michael:  So for all those people out there who might be deciding whether or not they want to write and self-publish their first book or additional books, what are some of the common misconceptions you think are out there regarding writing and self-publishing?

Tara:  Oh, there’s so many misconceptions about this.  I think the first misconception is that you can’t make money self-publishing, and that you can’t get distributed to very many people self-publishing.  So as many people know, I used to work in the bookselling industry.  I managed a Borders Books and Music for five years.  It was a $5 million store.  We had books from all of the major publishers, all the bestsellers.  Oprah mentioned a book, people started streaming through our doors asking for it.  We also had a vibrant local book section, which was my, one of my responsibilities, among many others.  And so it was my job to liaise with the self-published authors at that time, and so we’re talking 2004 to 2009, and all of those books were, yes, not distributed well.  They were … we were the primary place people were selling those books.  For some of those authors, we sold a lot of books and made them a lot of money.  But for most of them, their book just sort of languished on the shelf, and it made them feel really good, but it wasn’t going anywhere, and it didn’t matter what the quality was of it, no one was going to find out about it, no one was going to buy it, and it just, you know, it just sat there.  That is not the case anymore with self-publishing.  You can be a self-published author and hit the Wall Street Journal Bestseller list.  My friend, Srini Rao, has done that in the last year.  Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income just released a self-published book and go it on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller list.  That is an incredible accomplishment, and represents thousands and thousands and thousands of books sold, and sure, Pat and Srini both have big platforms, but I think what is … what’s most remarkable about that is not the size of their platform or their ability to move people, but really the accessibility of that amazing goal.  I’ve been on the Amazon Bestseller list.  You know, every time I publish a new book, it gets on the bestseller list there.  I will tell you, it is not that hard, but I will also tell you that when you are ranking in the top 10 in business or the top 10 in leadership or the top 10 in small business or whatever your shelf would be in the bookstore, more people are seeing your work that have never seen your work before, and that’s what’s important, right?  And so that’s one of the big misconceptions that people have about self-publishing, that you can’t make any money, and no one new is going to see your book.  You absolutely can make money.  I make nice amount of money from Amazon every month.  I make a nice amount of money through my own website based on my books every month, and absolutely new people are finding me and my work every day through Amazon.  That’s incredible.

Other misconceptions.  I think that it’s hard, it really could not be easier.  I used a platform called PressBooks.com, which is based on WordPress, that allows me to input my books into an interface that feels extremely familiar to me, because I’ve been a, I guess a digital lifelong WordPress user, and hit a button, and literally get my Kindle book in seconds from there.  Upload it to the Kindle platform and I’m done.  It really is that, that easy.  I think that probably sounds ridiculous, but obviously, in the class, I’m going to show people exactly how to do that, and it is absolutely that easy.  It’s also easy to create a pdf.  You can create a pdf book from Google Docs.  You can create a pdf book from Pages, which is what I use, the Mac word processing.  You can create a pdf from Microsoft Word.  With platforms like Canva or Creative Market or, you know, all of the, 99 Designs, all of those design services that are out there, DIY or done for you, you can get an eBook cover made in no time at all for very little money.  You can even publish a print book very easily.  The last two books I created are available in print as well.  They’re available through CreateSpace, which is an Amazon company, and so they’re right on Amazon.  You can buy a print version of Quiet Power Strategy.  It looks great.  It looks better than what we used to sell at Borders, for sure, and so that, also I think is a misconception, that this is just about eBooks.  Self-publishing is not just about eBooks.  It’s about books, and again, as a former bookseller, I can tell you that, you know, whereas people used to thumb their nose at the idea of an eBook, an eBook doesn’t really exist anymore.  All we have are books.  Sometimes those books are consumed digitally, sometimes those books are consumed as pdfs, also digitally, but let’s maybe think of it a little differently, and sometimes, those books are conceived as… consumed as print books.  They’re all just books, which means that when I self-publish an eBook to, you know, a producer at CNN, or you know, FastCompany or Inc. or Forbes, what they’re seeing is Tara is an author of this book, and that makes her credible, that makes her someone that we can go to as an expert interview, and that’s happened, and so there’s, yeah, there’s also this misconception that self-publishing doesn’t get you as much credibility as publishing with a traditional house, and that is largely not true anymore as well.

So yeah, I mean, there’s plenty of reasons to go the traditional publishing route, and we can talk about that as well, but there are so many good reasons to go after self-publishing now, and most of the reasons that you wouldn’t have done it five years ago are completely false now.

Michael:  So you mentioned your upcoming for whoever, whenever, and someone is listening to this, your upcoming CreativeLive class, which will be broadcasting on June 20th through June 24th, 2016.  So if you’re listening to this after, go to CreativeLive and watch a course, if you’re listening before, enroll so you can watch Tara.  Tell us a little bit about this class, and why did you want to teach this class specifically?  This is, I think, your fifth or sixth time coming back to CreativeLive?

Tara:  Yeah, it’s a lot.

Michael:  So why specifically this class?

Tara:  Yeah, so, well, Michael, you asked me what I could teach in five lessons, and I talked about it with Shawn, and I thought, oh, you know, I don’t know what I can teach in five lessons.  I feel like I’ve like put everything out on the table, and then it hit me.  A book.  I can teach someone how to write and publish a book in five days.  In five lessons.  Because there’s really not that much to it, and then I started thinking about things that I’ve done over and over again, and things that have gotten me amazing results over and over again, and it all comes back to self-publishing books, and so that’s why I though this is the perfect class to teach in this format.  This is the perfect class to teach right now.  It’s something I have never done before.  Something I’ve never even considered doing before.  You’d think if you’d published four books.  I’ve turned that into hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last five years, and I’ve never considered putting together a writing and publishing course or program or anything.  This seemed like the perfect time.  The other thing, the other piece of that, too, is I think that while we may not be selling eBooks anymore for $150 apiece, there has never been a better time to publish.  There has never been a better time to put your idea into that kind of format, get it up on Amazon, your own website, Barnes & Noble, wherever you want to sell it, because people are so hungry for ideas, and I think business owners are hungry for their ideas to be consumed, and there is still no better way to do that than a book.

Michael:  That’s excellent.  So okay, as we wrap up here, I have one more question for you.  So is there any advice you’d like to share with listeners who are trying to decide whether or not they’re going to write and publish their first book?

Tara:  Yeah.  I mean, I think you have to think about, well, one, my friend Bridget Lion’s favorite question, which is what do you want to be known for?  And if there is something burning at you, something that you want to be known for, something that you want to say on a stage, or simply, you know, talk to clients about on a daily basis, if that, if the answer to that question is burning at you, or even just the question itself, if you just want to be known for one of the wonderful ideas, one of the brilliant, insightful ideas that you have, for the system that you use with clients, for the conclusion that you’ve made about a big life lesson, that is when it’s time to write a book, and start now.  Don’t wait.  Don’t wait.  You know, like I said, the only, one of the only things in my business that I’m ever saying, “Oh, I should have started that sooner,” is books.  Every single book, I wish I would have started sooner.  I wish I would I would have published sooner.  I wish I would have said what I wanted to say sooner.  So I think the question sort of isn’t if you’re going to write a book, it’s when you’re going to write a book, and I think the answer to that question is now.

Michael:  That’s excellent.  Tara, thank you so much.  I am really looking forward to your class that we have coming up on the 20th.  Other than that, I think that was a wonderful interview, so thank you.

Tara:  Thank you.

Michael:  Excellent.

Tara:  What can boost your credibility, woo new clients, and bring in more cash for your business?  Publishing a book.  Luckily, you don’t have to wait for a big name publisher to tap you on the shoulder.  In my brand new CreativeLive class, I’ll guide you through writing and publishing your book faster than you thought possible.  Find it at CreativeLive.com/EBook.

That’s it for this week’s episode of Profit. Power. Pursuit.  You can download other episodes of this podcast and subscribe in the iTunes store.  If you enjoy what you heard, we appreciate your reviews and recommendations, because they help us reach as many emerging entrepreneurs as possible.  This episode was produced by Michael Karsh at CreativeLive.  Our audio engineer was Kellen Shamezu.  Daniel Peterson wrote our theme song and also edited this episode.  I share more insight and ideas about every episode on Facebook.  Let’s connect.  Find me at TaraGentile.com/Facebook.  Finally, every day, you’ll find free broadcasts of game changing classes at CreativeLive.com.

How to Choose the Topic for Your Book–Or Any Big Marketing Project

Writing & publishing books–for sale–has been my marketing secret weapon for the last 5 years.

But I can hear you saying now: What the heck am I going to write a book about?

(Even if you’re not, you’re probably wondering how to turn your idea into something really engaging and effective for your readers.)

I’ve got an easy exercise you can use to figure it out.

Now, what if you’re not writing a book? This technique works great for any big marketing project you want to embark on (a free course, video series, conference, etc…).

How to Choose Your Idea

Imagine sitting down with the top podcaster, journalist, or writer in your space. They’re really interested in what you do and how it’s different from the rest of the field.

They’d like to know more and you’re excited to answer their questions.

Write down the 5 questions you’d most like to be asked in an interview about what you do in your business.

Then, answer those questions.

Once you’re done, look for the ideas or insights in your answers that separate you from the rest of your space.

Also, look for the things you feel most passionate about, the rants & raves you have about the problem you solve (as my friend Dr. Michelle Mazur would say).

Choose one. Select a differentiator, a rant, or a rave from your interview.

That, my friend, is the topic for your book (or any big marketing project).

Want more? Watch the video clip above or listen to this week’s episode of Profit. Power. Pursuit. where I jam on what publishing books has done for my business and how self-publishing has changed since I was a bookstore manager.

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Then, mark your calendars for my FREE class on writing & publishing your first (or next) book on CreativeLive. 
