The Evolution of CreativeLive and Online Education with CreativeLive Co-Founder Chase Jarvis

The Evolution of CreativeLive and Online Education with CreativeLive Co-Founder Chase Jarvis
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The Nitty Gritty:

  • How CreativeLive has evolved since it started 7 years ago
  • What’s new and exciting in the online education industry
  • What enhancements to self-education should be expected in the near future

My guest on the 100th—yes, 100th—episode of the Profit. Power. Pursuit. podcast is Chase Jarvis, co-founder of CreativeLive, the online education company that co-produces this podcast with me.

In celebration of this milestone, CreativeLive and I are thrilled to announce that we’ve put together an amazing giveaway for our listeners!

You can win my hand-picked bundle of 14 CreativeLive classes—taught by some of your favorite Profit. Power. Pursuit. guests—valued at $1,486 dollars PLUS a trip to CreativeLive studios as a studio audience member for an upcoming class of your choice!

Listen to our 100th episode interview with Chase Jarvis for details and information on contest rules.

Here are the incredible classes you could win in the contest bundle!

  • Instagram Marketing for Small Businesses with Sue B. Zimmerman
  • The Art of Networking with Jordan Harbinger
  • A Brand Called You with Debbie Millman
  • Mastering Your People Skills with Vanessa Van Edwards
  • Personal Branding for Creative Professionals with Dorie Clark
  • Make Your Dream Trip a Reality with Chris Guillebeau
  • How to Leverage the Power of Live Online Broadcasts with Joel Comm
  • Become a Better & Funnier Public Speaker with David Nihill
  • Think Bigger, Make More with Jason Womack
  • The Personal MBA: The Foundations of an Effective Business with Josh Kaufman
  • Heroic Public Speaking with Michael Port
  • Make More Money & Discover Your Worth with Sue Bryce
  • Branding Strategies to Grow Your Business with Jasmine Star
  • Create Your Dream Career with Michelle Ward

In the special 100th episode interview, Chase and I chat about the evolution of CreativeLive since its inception, the state of the online education industry and the exciting time we’re entering to enhance the experience of self-education.

Evolution of CreativeLive

Our goal is to unlock the power of creativity that’s inside of every person.

– Chase Jarvis

The concept for CreativeLive started when Chase and co-founder Craig Swanson began toying with the idea of making workshops to inspire and support creators with a fresh approach to education. They wanted to give students access to the innovators, visionaries and leaders who are doing the work. After their first pilot class on Photoshop, they knew they were onto something. Today, they have more than 1,500 classes, 2,500 articles, this podcast and much more that help creators live their dreams.

While there’s much that’s stayed the same since the company started, the biggest thing that has changed is the scope of content they have to offer students and how they give those students access to precisely the class they need. CreativeLive has more than 10 million students who consume 3 billion minutes of video on the platform. Listen in to the entire podcast to hear how they are “growing into our own skin” and how they hope to connect students with the learning that will unlock their biggest need or challenge. Doing so will help them make a living and a life doing what they love.

Today, the CreativeLive team is much more intentional and sophisticated when determining what new content or classes to provide and how it finds instructors than it was in the early days.

Online Education Industry

In the future, all CEOs will be considered artists.

– Chase Jarvis

Education is this amazing glue between brands and customers. In the future, Chase believes that education is going to decentralize away from schools and become integrated in every brand/customer relationship. Education is the most authentic content marketing that exists. Content marketing adapts to education rather than the other way around.

Companies that care about you will provide great education. If their products are part of that, then that’s a nice incidental thing. As brands provide value to consumers’ lives over time, when it’s time to transact, those consumers will be there for you. That’s a massive global trend.

Opportunities to Enhance the Self-Education Experience

I think we’re just getting started.

– Chase Jarvis

Now, CreativeLive is working on how to make the website and the platform better with the use of technology to help the student journey. The team is trying to solve problems such as how to string a lot of lessons together to enhance the self-education process. Because they’re getting smarter and more experienced, they can leverage technology and create a better user experience. Data is also helping inform the classes that are created and offered and to develop solutions to what students want. Just as the CreativeLive team has become more intentional and sophisticated, self-education platforms will be as well.

Tune in to the full podcast to hear more from Chase about his predictions for the online education industry, how he integrates creativity as part of building a business and what’s on the horizon for CreativeLive.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you will be with me every week as I get the Nitty-Gritty details from today’s thriving business owners.

“The Act of Moving Toward Something You Want is Transformation In Itself”

Today marks the launch of Profit. Power. Pursuit. : a CreativeLive podcast with me, Tara Gentile, as host. There is an exceptionally strong mission behind this podcast—and it’s not just the mission statement we’ve created.

For me, our mission is about truth-telling. It’s about shedding light on what actually makes creative or idea-driven businesses work. We pay a lot of lip service to following your passion or living your dream life but we often forget the logistics, administration, and sheer grit that it takes to do that.

The people I’m talking to on this podcast don’t forget—can’t forget—it. They live the logistics, administration, and grit every day.

Now, I don’t believe for a minute that you think running a creative or idea-driven business is easy or even glamorous. You know it’s hard work. Yet, a huge knowledge gap between “follow your passion” and “become super successful” persists.

Plenty of people will talk about the empowering upside of entrepreneurship; few are talking about how they actually built a team, negotiated their fees, invested in the future of their businesses, or handled failures.

I want to change that with this podcast.

Every time you listen, I want you to discover something new about the ways creative people are making money, taking control of their businesses, and pursuing what’s truly important to them. I want you to experience the logistics, the administration, and the grit. I want you to connect the dots between a problem you’re having and problems that my guests have solved.

Tara Gentile podcast with Chase Jarvis and Craig Swanson

To kick off this podcast, I sat down with Chase Jarvis and Craig Swanson, the co-founders of CreativeLive. They talked to me separately so that I could get an unfiltered view of each of their perspectives on profit, power, and the pursuit of what’s meaningful.

My favorite moment from Craig’s interview was his explanation of failure. He told me a story about realizing that learning how to rollerblade meant first learning how to fall down. He also explained how “learning what falling feels like” helps the team at CreativeLive be resilient in the face of technical difficulties, production snafus, or marketing disappointments. The team has internalized the feeling of failure so that they can move through it quickly and create a solution on the fly.

My favorite moment with Chase was when he talked about the deep transformation the students, instructors, team, and he experience through CreativeLive. Each class taught, each lesson learned, and each hurdle overcome changes us simply because we’re moving toward our desire.

Becoming a CreativeLive instructor has changed me. Founding CreativeLive has changed Chase and Craig. Watching CreativeLive has changed hundreds of thousands of students. And all because we’ve taken steps toward what we want: the profit that comes from creating value, the power that comes from taking control of your own life, and the pursuit of what’s truly important to us.

As Craig said, “The act of moving towards something we want is transformative in itself.

I hope you are transformed by listening to Profit. Power. Pursuit. as I have already been transformed by hosting it. Listen for the details, the nitty-gritty, and the unexpected—you won’t be disappointed.

Click here to download the podcast. While you’re at it, please subscribe. Your subscriptions help us reach more people with this podcast and create even more transformations in the world of creative business.

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