Stay tuned for a special event announcement & giveaway at the end of this post!

Many business owners – yes, me too – have a difficult time defining their own noteworthiness.

When we look at what we do, how we do it, or the story of how we got to where we’re at, all we see is unremarkable. Our day to day tasks, the services we provide, and the manner in which we live seem all seem very normal. Hardly the stuff of press releases or blog posts.

Of course your life seems normal! It’s your life!

The difficult choices you’ve made now seem like no-brainers. The lessons you’ve learned now seem like kids’ stuff. You do what you do with ease, a fair amount of practice, and some innate skill.

I hope, though, that it comes as no surprise that your customers don’t see you that way. They see you as a rock star glamor queen who lives a magical life of goals accomplished & dreams fulfilled.

It’s also worth noting here that they see none of the people you judge yourself against.

This isn’t a matter of trickery or chance. It comes from understanding that you have what others need. After all, that’s the very basis of your business. You provide a service or product that fulfills some need for your customer.

So how do you discover what’s truly noteworthy so that you can engage & delight your customers? How do you communicate your story to your customers in a way that they can relate to?

I asked Bernadette Jiwa, who specializes in helping businesses find their story:

Take a step back, walk in your client’s (or potential customer’s) shoes and anticipate how they are feeling. Then build your story and brand experience around that.

Often, we are so busy thinking like a business owner that we forget to think like a customer! Doh!

When was the last time you looked at your website, business card, or press release from a customer’s perspective? When was the last time you spent some time looking at yourself from the perspective of your best clients?

Get in the mind of one of your best customers and ask yourself:

  • What do I find intriguing?
  • What do I find compelling?
  • What do I aspire to?
  • What resonates with me? Makes me feel like she “gets it?”

Then come back to your business owner mind and ask yourself if you’re really communicating those answers to your customers. If you are finding limited success, it’s quite possible that some people are putting two + two together but that you can help many more people discover your story!

If that still leaves you a bit confused, I’m excited to say that I’ll be hosting a Q&A call with Bernadette Jiwa herself next week, Wednesday, March 23 at 8:30pm Eastern. Click here to register.

We’ll also be giving away TWO of Bernadette’s signature Brand Storming sessions to people who join us LIVE on the call. They’re worth $497 a piece. Yeah, you want that.

If you want a chance to ask real questions about your real story, win a killer Brand Storming session, and just absorb some great information on discovering the story of your business, register for this FREE call now.

{ image by omar omar }