whatever happened to practice?
Whatever happened to practice?
Practice makes perfect, they used to say. Then they changed their mind, perfect practice makes perfect.
Ouch. That’s a lot of pressure.
Now instead of putting in your hour a day at the piano, with pen in hand, in the batter’s box, in front of the hoop, you’re supposed to do it right every time?
Again, ouch.
On top of that pressure for perfection during practice, there is the added pressure of being expected to perform because you have practiced.
It’s no wonder we look for the “right” answer before we even try.
It seems practice went out with the early ’90s.
You don’t have to be good at what you’re doing straight away. You don’t have to have the “right” answer. You don’t have to make all the best decisions. You don’t even have to have a plan.
You certainly don’t need a strategy.
You need to try. You need to practice.
I tell [my students] they’ll want to be really good right off, and they may not be, but they might be good someday if they just keep the faith and keep practicing.
— Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird
Do you hate that I don’t give you straight answers? Do you wish my posts had more bullet points and do-this-then-that instructions? Sorry. I don’t believe in them.
I believe in questions, in trying, in experimenting. I believe in coaxing you not-so-gently to practice your craft (and your business).
I believe in finding ways around your deepest felt assumptions, exploding them from the inside out.
I believe the only way you’ll be better at your “something” 5 years from now is if you start NOW.
What are you practicing? What will you give the ol’ college try? Opportunities for practice (not to mention trial & error) abound. Some ideas for this week:
- new marketing tactic
- completely different kind of blog post
- cold call
- warm call
- coffee with a role model
- coffee with someone who looks up to you
- fresh offer to your list
- rewriting your sales page
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It’s time for the second session of The Art of Action! If you’re ready to practice with purpose, to engage your goals, to lose the fear & embrace momentum, I will whip you into shape in 6 weeks. Plain & simple. Check it out.
But don’t take my word for it:
Tara, honestly, this class has been life-changing for me. Doing what I love and getting paid for it has always seemed like a pipe dream. For the first time in my life, I’m taking my work and myself seriously.
I feel confident and capable and skilled. I believe that I can earn money doing the things I’m passionate about. And I give you all the credit for instilling that confidence!
— Brandy, Emergency Breakthrough
{ image credit: orangeacid }