How to Keep an Eye On What’s Next Without Dropping the Ball: Interview with Sue B. Zimmerman

How to stay on top of what's next without dropping the ball -- an interview with Sue B Zimmerman

I thought I was talking with the “Queen of #Instagram” when I sat down to talk with Sue B. Zimmerman. Turns out, Sue is way more than the Queen of Instagram. 

Her reign over Instagram marketing strategy is only the latest venture in a long line of entrepreneurial pursuits. Sue is actually a prognosticator. She always has her eye on what’s next–without dropping the ball in her current venture.

In a word, Sue is savvy. 

And, her particular brand of “pursuit” is savviness incarnate. At the risk of sounding heavy-handed

If you love staying on top of what’s coming, predicting trends, and riding the waves, Sue will feel like your soul-sister. If you’re not, Sue is an amazing resource for guiding you through those turbulent waters with ease. 

Sue talked with me about her entrepreneurial history–including how she grew a $1 million boxer shorts brand. She shared the challenges of going from handmade to manufactured, selling her products at tradeshows, and dealing with big retailers. 

She also shared where she looks for what’s coming next and how she equips the young people who work for her to be brand ambassadors. We talked about the struggles that come with giving up control and rapid growth. Plus, we talked about what’s next with Instagram and social media marketing in general.

Listen to the latest episode of Profit. Power. Pursuit. and pay special attention for the ways that Sue has created and empowered a community to spread her message.

Click here to listen in iTunes.

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