The Art of Management—For One or Many—With Productive Flourishing Founder Charlie Gilkey

The Art of Management—For One or Many—With Productive Flourishing Founder Charlie Gilkey
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The Nitty Gritty:

  • Why to shift from hiring contractors to hiring employees
  • How to keep your team from becoming overcommitted and overwhelmed
  • How to structure time to enhance creativity

This week, my guest is on the Profit. Power. Pursuit. podcast is Productive Flourishing founder, Charlie Gilkey. Charlie is a best-selling author, speaker, blogger, podcaster and business strategist. His website has been visited by nearly 3 million people and his tools, worksheets and planners have been downloaded more than 1 million times. He’s taught thousands of people how to go from idea to done using simple, but powerful approaches that tap into their strengths and genius.

Charlie and I talk about the art of management—whether for one or for many including the shift from contractors to hiring employees, how to keep your team from becoming overcommitted and how to structure time to enhance creativity.

From Contractors to Hiring Employees

I hire and select for people who are versatile, adaptable and like to do multiple things.

— Charlie Gilkey

Although Charlie still has independent contractors on the Productive Flourishing support team, he built a core team of five employees who are all dedicated to achieving the same goal. They all wear many hats and are multifunctional to allow for changes to, and growth of, the business. He found it is harder to build culture with freelancers or contractors. Everyone on the core team who are employees already understands the goals, processes and culture which is sometimes harder with freelancers or contractors who must figure these things out in addition to doing the job they are getting paid to do. As your business grows what you actually need is people who fit your culture, can show up each day to dedicate their time to your business and be flexible.

Control the Overwhelm

If we have to wear 17 different hats, at least know who is wearing which hat.

— Charlie Gilkey

When you have a small, but versatile team of people who “wear 17 different hats,” it’s important to have very clear job descriptions and roles and responsibilities. People are in different lanes of responsibility and different projects that they own. Charlie’s team also uses Asana to schedule regular routines and projects. When people aren’t keeping up with their routines, it’s a sign that they are overcommitted. By knowing what the routines are, when they need to be done and who is doing them, a lot of the meta thinking is not needed. The answers are in the routines. When your team isn’t clear about how things are going to get done, the uncertainty zaps your team’s productivity and morale. Plus, in the last year the team has gotten a lot better about determining the projects they are going to commit to and saying “no” to others.

Structure Time to Enhance Creativity

A lot of creative people don’t recognize how supportive structure and defaults are.

— Charlie Gilkey

A lot of creative people rebel against the very things they need the most. High-performing creative people inevitably have these really well thought-out structures and containers to do their creative work. Productive Flourishing is to the point that the processes and structure are set, so the team can use their creativity on the work and not use it to figure out what the work should be and how it will get done.

Tune into the entire podcast to learn more from my discussion with Charlie including how businesses and professionals make things harder and how he articulates his intuitive synthesis to his team. You can learn more about Charlie Gilkey and download his free planners for creative people from his website.

And, listen to the Productive Flourishing podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you listen to this podcast!

The Myth of Solo Entrepreneurship: A New Relationship with “The Hustle”

This is a topic that’s been on my mind for months. It’s time to call bull crap on solo entrepreneurship.

There’s no such thing. Business doesn’t happen in a bubble.

And hustling isn’t the path to a sustainable business. Hustle plays a part–I’ll get to that–but if your “success” is built squarely on the shoulders of your own hard work, you haven’t created a business, you’ve created a prison.

This post is in three parts:

  1. Why solo entrepreneurship is a myth
  2. What you need to do to transcend this myth
  3. And when hustle and nose-to-the-grindstone work really pays off

Why solo entrepreneurship is a myth

Solo entrepreneurship isn’t a myth because people are lying to you. It’s a myth because it’s not the whole truth. It’s out of context.

The context is that, in the Social Era, work doesn’t look like it used to. Value doesn’t even look like it used to. Instead work and value creation happen in and through the network. Co-creation is standard, relationship is capital, innovation is vocation.

Working “solo” is possible only because we’re working together. And because we have new ways of working together. When you concentrate on the “me-ness” of your work, you forget the “us-ness” of how we got here. Click to tweet.

When you’re fixated on the “solopreneurship” shiny object, instead of asking for help, delegating to the crowd, or just flat-out hiring the right people, you berate yourself and try to work harder.

Those that appear to be doing it on their own, those who appear to shine the light on themselves, are actually running organizations. Those organizations are loose, fluid, and largely motivated by social purpose, but they are organizations nonetheless. It’s worth bearing in mind.

These people also see their microbusinesses as lean & mean, not small. They might not even identify with the term “mircobusiness” because the vision they have for their impact is downright big. They see “micro” as a way to do more, not get by with less.

Efficiency is the name of the game, not sweat equity.

Finally, these entrepreneurs don’t equate themselves with their businesses. They are building something that will outlast them, reach people that they couldn’t reach on their own, and something that–gasp–has value outside the individual work that they do or the products they create. It’s a tricky thing this shift from seeing personality and individual strengths as an asset and not the product in and of itself. But it’s an important shift.

So while “solopreneurship” isn’t the only realm where hustle is the name of the game, it’s hard not to run a business where you are the sole idea generator, sole investor, and sole executive without an overwhelming amount of hustle. And that’s just not sustainable. It’s time to see your business and its team for its full breadth and depth.

What you need to do to transcend this myth

It isn’t that Founder’s Mojo, as Charlie Gilkey calls it, isn’t sustainable. It’s that your business will grow–and probably already has–beyond its ability to sustain itself solely on your mojo.

“Founder’s mojo is like an electric generator that can move around in a business. That generator can power anything within the business; in fact, it has powered everything in the business.

But there are only so many things the generator can power at once. As a business grows, there are more things that need juice than the generator can power simultaneously.”
Charlie Gilkey

So where do you put your effort and attention to transcend this and allow your business to grow? Put your effort and attention where your unique skills, talents, strengths, and passions are. Identify your Onlyness and use it.

The beauty is that, when you put your effort and attention into only the things that make you feel alive, masterful, and purpose-driven, it ceases to feel like much effort at all. You can move quickly from burnout (i.e. trying to use your Mojo or hustle to force things to work) to flow (i.e. getting more out of every ounce of energy you invest).

What systems do you need to have in place to make this happen? Here are my basics (this is largely what we cover during 10ThousandFeet which begins again in September):

  • A Social Business Model that is built to the strengths of both you and your customers and leverages the way you naturally relate to each other to facilitate co-creation
  • A clear Perspective on the world through your customers’ eyes that inspires your messaging, marketing, and product development (get the FREE Perspective Map tool here)
  • A system for Delegation to key contractors or employees and a rallying cry to motivate them
  • A Communication strategy that keeps your customers and prospects in the loop and moving toward your shared vision

These systems largely organize themselves around a message that, as Nilofer Merchant puts it, frees “work” from jobs. If you can distribute the work required to reach your goal to as broad of a base as possible, there’s less of you required to reach your goal.

‘When a clear purpose is coupled with shared power, people can self-organize to reach a goal. In essence, Social Era organizations will finally act flat (and quite often this leads to speed) because they will actually be flat. The artifice of who is in or out of the organization will be less important than what work needs to get done by what talent and with what motivation.”
— Nilofer Merchant, 11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era

Look at Anna Guest-Jelley of Curvy Yoga. Her business is built around a rallying cry that motivates her community to work for her. Her goal is to bring the power of yoga to every body. It’s a message that’s easy to understand and easy for her community to act on. It also motivates her team and guides her decision-making. A rallying cry like that creates opportunities without an overwhelming amount of hustle.

MailChimp is another great example. When they went freemium in 2009 with 100k users, their customer base grew exponentially to 1.2 million by 2012. While they employ marketers and pay for advertising, this growth was largely fueled by how excited their users are to talk about the service. Their belief that email marketing should be fun means they’re a fun referral to give. Beyond that, their commitment to continually bettering their platform means that they also motivate me based on excellence. Not only do I refer you all to them but I regularly teach how to use their service better.

Anna, MailChimp, and I need less effort to run our businesses because we understand how to leverage our message & strengths, the power of the network to take a role in “work,” and the importance of taking a real position of leadership in the world that you’ve created through your business.

When hustle and nose-to-the-grindstone work really pays off

After my last post on Playing a Different Money Game, Kelly Dahl wrote me with a question that was on many of your minds:

You mentioned that you aren’t “hustling” as much any more. Implicit in the way you mention this is that you did hustle, a lot, to get to the place you are today. How much hustle do you think is really necessary? I struggle so much with the hustle part. I’m not sure if I just need a swift kick in the ass to get over myself, or if I can hustle in my own way and still continue to build my business.

I stopped hustling constantly when my message became so clear, my purpose so organizing, and my process so reproducible that others were able to “work” on my behalf whether they were part of my organization or not. I didn’t need to spread the word about the You Economy because You did it for me. I didn’t need to prove the value of my process because others demonstrated that value for me.

I hustle–and I use the word the way my softball coaches used it–when I know where I’m going. I hustle to right field, home plate, or the pitcher’s mound. But I’m no long distance runner. I don’t hustle for fun.

For instance, I spent some time “hustling” this weekend when the spirit moved me enough to finish a new list incentive. I hustled a little more when I decided to go all in and start running Facebook more strategically from a Page instead of my profile. I hustled to finish The Art of Growth last year.

I generally don’t hustle for interviews. The requests come naturally because of the work I do and the message I espouse. I generally don’t hustle for sales. I’m direct and have learned how to communicate the value of what I do pretty clearly. I generally don’t hustle social media. If I’m inspired, I post and interact. In each of these cases, I lead with my strengths and passions so that the work feels more like play.

Hustle is an important of the growth of any business, though, as Kelly said. If you’re looking for specific ideas of where hustle will make the most difference in the early stages of a business, check out this post by Paul Graham.

As I was growing my business, I put hustle into exploring my message, clarifying my purpose, and systematizing my process. I spoke, I listened, I experimented, I tested. I had coffee conversations. I made beautiful mistakes by moving fast and furiously. But all that hustle led to having a message that others are excited to spread, a purpose others are excited to work toward, and a process that gets the job done over and over again. If the hustle you’re investing into your business supports similar goals, I say keep up the good work. If the hustle you’re expending on your business is scattershot, it’s time to reevaluate.

In the end, all this means my business is yours, not mine. It’s your excitement that makes the difference, not mine. I’m not a solo entrepreneur and this isn’t a business of one. It’s a business of tens of thousands. And no amount of hustle can overcome the power of those numbers.

Business versus Startup, Managers versus Entrepreneurs

Is your venture a business or a startup?
Are you a manager or an entrepreneur?

Think it’s all semantics? It might be. But it also might be the source of a lot of tension in your day-to-day operations.

Quick Quiz

  1. Do you make time for creating & investigating new ideas? Yes or No
  2. Would you prefer to spend most of your business time working for your clients/customers? Yes or No
  3. Does evolving & changing your business excite & energize you? Yes or No
  4. Do you prefer getting it right & sticking with it? Yes or No

If you answered “yes” to questions 1 & 3, you’re the entrepreneur-type. If you answered “yes” to question 2 & 4, you’re the manager-type.

Entrepreneurs & Startups

A startup is a human institution designed to deliver a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty.
Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup

Entrepreneurs thrive in environments of uncertainty. Change is a constant – and welcome – companion for these business adventurers. They are on a quest to discover and rediscover a product that creates value, innovation that disrupts a market, and a business that “works.”

Entrepreneurs create & run startups. Startups are businesses driven by the hunt for an unknown prey. Startups must be built for agility. One or 10 wrong moves won’t kill a startup but moving too slowly will. A startup is focused on implementing then learning and then implementing and learning again.

If you’re an entrepreneur running a startup, you probably thrive on short-term projects, experimentation, and learning new techniques.

To do: Make time in your schedule every week for thinking on, designing for, and playing at something new. Don’t succumb to guilt because you’re not spending time hustling for new clients or working on the things that pay the bills. Yes, that’s important but, if you don’t indulge your creative/innovative side, you’ll lose interest in your venture.

Also, be prepared to bring others onto your team quickly, you’ll need support in administration & management to grow the business beyond its initial stages.

Watch out for: Boredom. Recognize that many businesses aren’t meant to remain startups forever. It’s possible for you to get to a point where your desire to create & innovate in your current venture withers away. If you sense this is a possibility, be sure to be building your business so that you can step away from it, either by putting management in place or by selling it.

Also, be mindful of shiny things. Shiny things are projects or ideas that take you away from your true purpose. Novelty is important to you and should be considered carefully but not at the expense of the learning cycle you’re in.

Managers & Businesses

…you switch from riding the rocket to playing the long patient game. You’ve reached a level of business expertise and positioning such that the only way you’re going to get better is to focus on the long game of expertise and market share.
— Charlie Gilkey, Productive Flourishing

Charlie’s series on the stages of business is helpful for both manager-types & entrepreneur-types but especially so for managers.

Managers are focused on greatness. They prefer getting things right the first time and then slowly optimizing from there. They bank on the long tail. They thrive in long-term relationships with customers & clients. Their businesses are powerhouses of word-of-mouth sales. They learn and then implement.

Managers run & maintain businesses. A business is an enterprise with a proven model. It runs like a top. As long as it’s spinning, it’s generating profit.

If you’re a manager, you probably live for doing the work you created your business to do in systems that help you do that work better.

To do: Indulge two of your strengths and create a system for gathering referrals. Incorporate it into your client emails or create marketing geared at existing customers. Make sure your team knows referrals are a priority for you.

Also, reach out to 3rd party perspectives on a regular basis. A business coach, copywriter, or PR specialist might help you see opportunities that would have otherwise been missed.

Watch out for: Getting comfortable. It’s easy to get comfortable cruising along when you’re a seasoned manager and your business is working. But surprises do come. Make a habit of considering different scenarios (both positive & negative) to train or brain to embrace the unknown.

Also, look for opportunities to leverage your (or your team’s) time. When you love the work that you do and create a business for that express purpose, it’s very easy to get comfortable doing that work on a pay-for-play basis. You get paid when you work. It’s difficult to create freedom in a business like this so make time to work out ways to leverage what you do to generate profit.

What does it all mean?

Ventures that succeed over the long haul need both types of people — or more specifically both skill sets. This isn’t a judgement call; there is no better or worse. Understanding what energizes & strengthens you helps you understand how you can serve your own business best.

To begin, grow, or change direction, you’ll need to call on your entrepreneurial skill set. If this is where you thrive, you’re pretty well set. If this is what causes you some pain, get help. To maintain a low-stress business, you’ll need to call on your managerial skill set. If this is where you thrive, again, you’re pretty well set. If this is what causes you some pain, get help.

Running a business is not a solo act. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or the focal point of a team, it’s important to realize that there are multiple roles required for keeping your business running smoothly. Neglect a role and you’ll suffer for it.

So tell me – what are you: an entrepreneur or a manager? Answer in the comments and/or click here to tweet it!