5 Questions You Must Answer for Success: A New Strategy for the New Economy

You can know all the latest and great tactics in your industry. You can have your finger on the pulse of what’s hot in your field. But if you don’t have a clear picture of your overall strategy for business, those tactics are worthless.

(And you’ve spent too much time, money, and energy learning them to render them useless, right?)

You want to set your business up for strategic success so that you can put those tactics and trends to use—and better yet, start to develop some of your own.

In a Harvard Business Review article by Roger Martin, strategy is defined as knowing Where You Want to Play and How You’re Going to Win. And while the essence of that—that business is a game and that there’s a clear path to winning—might have resonated with MBAs and corporate big wigs before the dawn of the New Economy, I don’t think it resonates with today’s new wave of entrepreneurs who are building communities and movements as much as they are building revenue streams and management systems.

So what do you need to know to set up your business for strategic success? Try these 5 questions I’ve adapted the framework that Martin poses to capture our context of creation and connection.

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#NewEconomy Strategy: Where to Create & How to Connect

  1. What is your vision for making life meaningfully better for your business community and what are the metrics of success by which you’ll measure that vision?
  2. What conversation is your business a part of and what voices in that conversation are your best prospects looking for an alternative to?
  3. In the greater conversation your business is a part of, how will you represent your unique point-of-view to engage customers who are excited about your businesses strengths, skills, and passion?
  4. What are the unique strengths, skills, and passion (your Onlyness) your business can invest in to attract your best prospects?
  5. What product, marketing, sales, and management systems can you put in place to support and enhance your business’s unique strengths, skills, and passion?[/thst_alert]

Martin, who developed the strategic questions my adaptation is based on, argues iteration is the key to better strategy. You have to be willing to make an initial wager on the answer to your first question, then be willing to evolve that as you answer the second question, and so on.

There’s a dual imperative: to both be committed to your strategic thinking and be willing to iterate when the facts change.

This dual imperative holds true for the New Economy. With communities and conversations constantly evolving, your strategic vision also needs to be constantly open to change.

So while it’s always a good time of year to think strategically, I find that summer presents some great opportunities. As we wrap up the first half of the year, I challenge you to consider how your market, its opportunities, and your plans have evolved in 2014 and how you can evolve your own strategic vision for the second half of 2014 to make the impact in the world you’re here to make.

Download a copy of the 5 #neweconomy strategy questions.

New Opportunities Spring from Expansive Brand Vision: You Economy Case Study

Today’s You Economy case studies from 10ThousandFeet alumnna focus on the opportunities and clarity that comes from having an expansive brand vision. When you understand the whole world your business is creating, you have both clear path forward and endless opportunities. Meet Megan, who is moving forward with marketing that paints the whole picture for her customer while providing specific, actionable solutions. And meet Ana, who is seeing herself as an artist-in-demand and creating a path–through multiple ventures–to meet her goals.

Megan Cain, founder of The Creative Vegetable Gardener

megancainAt the end of 10ThousandFeet, I feel excited about my business and the future instead of being overwhelmed and stressed out.

The biggest shift for me came in realizing that I was spending a lot of time focusing on the technical information around gardening and not enough time painting the bigger picture of what it means to have a beautiful garden in your life. For me and most of my customers gardening is so much more than just growing food.

I have begun to shift some of my writing to focus on exploring some of the deeper benefits and meaning of gardening. My first post definitely resonated with my readers because I received several enthusiastic emails asking me to write more about the topic.

I am also changing my website to add more language and photos that reflect the new tagline Tara helped me come up with, “your garden should feed you, body and soul.” I am excited about this new direction! I am clearer about where I want to go and what I need to do to get there after taking 10ThousandFeet.

Megan also has the goal of becoming the go-to gardening expert in Madison. This requires her to leverage stories about the bigger picture of gardening as well as the nitty gritty how-to details. She’s carving out individual solutions that serve that big picture and will be reaping the rewards of less dirty work, more revenue, and more time off soon.

Find out more about Megan and the gardens she designs at creativevegetablegardener.com.

Ana Ramos, founder of air illustration & design

Ana RamosOne of the most important shifts for me was to start to understand the power of team building. Before that, I was very untrained in asking for help and seeing the possibilities when it came to broadening my offers through partnerships with other experts.

With a fresh understanding of team building and strategic partnerships, I saw how I could accept a larger project from an old client, a project that will be a huge contribution towards reaching my chief initiative for the year.

But I learned many more things, like how to streamline my efforts and manage clients’ expectations: I used to react to clients’ requests and work overtime and now I am able to plan and schedule in advance, reducing stress.

And today I felt I reached a huge milestone when I rewrote my Embroidery Club sales page. Now I understand why you say it’s fun.

Ana has really focused on expanding her brand with her own artistic vision at the core. Instead of creating disparate ventures or trying to confirm to clients’ demands, she’s leveraging her unique perspective. That means she can pursue a wider range of opportunities but remain grounded in what she does best.

As she builds her team and expands her vision, she’s be able to do so from a place of strength and purpose, bringing on those who complement her artistic vision instead of competing with or diluting it.

Find out more about Ana Ramos and air illustration & design.

What does it mean to grow your business in the New Economy?

The Art of Growth by Tara GentileThere’s more to business than the first kiss.

Sure, the first bit is thrilling. You take your talents & skills, woo your initial customers, and establish a working relationship. But then what? How do you transition from the rush of beginning to confidence in a business that will provide for you?

That’s the art of growth. It’s not about making your business cutthroat, impersonal, or corporate. The art of growth is using smart strategies to make your business more personal and more service-driven as it makes a bigger impact.

Really, it’s about teaching your business to take care of itself so that you can go on about your own life.

“…challenges the old hustle mindset and instead promotes a business model built on values and providing value. It’s all about “making a bigger impact with less struggle.”
— Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady

The Art of Growth teaches both the philosophy of business growth in the new age of business and concrete strategies you can implement in your business today.

Will today be the day your business enters a whole new phase? Will today be the day you claim a bigger impact for yourself and your customers?

The Art of Growth is available two ways: as a multimedia package including a printable PDF, EPUB format suitable for iBooks, Kindle, or Nook, and an audiobook version – or – as a Kindle book on Amazon.

“…the value here is not just in the amazing concepts and philosophy Tara describes,
but in the practical how-to that’s woven in.”
– Anne Samoilov, Launch Strategist, Director of Operations at LKR Social Media
“What I love love love about this book and all of Tara’s work is the freshness. The intelligence. It’s like a pow of inspiration you can use. This book touches on this
huge issue–building your business–with such finesse. So worth your time.
— Jennifer Louden, author of the Comfort Queen series and co-creator of TeachNow

Get your copy of The Art of Growth today

“What I appreciate about Tara’s work is that she smartly, succinctly, and intelligently
lays out a path for the entrepreneur to leapfrog some of those steps that can lead to burn-out and abandoned dreams.”
– Jennifer, 5 Star Review via Amazon
About the Author

Tara Gentile is a business strategist for entrepreneurs making a difference through commerce. She’s a regular contributor to DailyWorth and a small business expert contributor to YFS Magazine. She was featured in the New York Times bestselling book, The $100 Startup, and named a Top Single-Voice Business Blog by bestselling author Jonathan Fields in 2012. Her philosophy on business in the You Economy resonates with PhDs, MBAs, and graduates of the school of life.

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Tara Gentile | Writer & Business Coach building a New Economy just for you!

Building a business is in your blood & in your heart.

Your business is off the ground, booking clients, getting sales. You might even call it humming. But it’s not what it could be. You sense that what is good could be great.

My book, The Art of Earning, opened hearts & minds to accepting payment in all forms and claiming the wealth in passion-driven work.

But it was only the beginning.

Now I’m offering my most complete business training to date: a day long workshop called The Art of Earning LIVE. Join me from the comfort of your home office or kitchen table.

Learn more.


Continue to the blog.

5 Non-Obvious Ways To Put Your Brand & Business In The Spotlight

When you don’t know what works, marketing your business feels like a gamble.

Each new article, email, social media post, podcast episode, or video feels like it could be a home run or it could be just another invisible effort to get your business seen.

To make matters worse, the instinctive response to not knowing what will work seems to be to try everything. You chase every new platform, tactic, or fad that bubbles to the surface.

But by the time you’ve had a chance to try the “hot new thing,” it’s stopped working and you’re back to square one.

Tactics, platforms, and fads don’t make for great marketing.

Instead, great marketing comes from an acute understanding of what makes your brand, your offer, and — yes — even you, the marketer, a standout. Great marketing spotlights your brand not because you’ve executed a particular tactic perfectly but because you’ve tapped into something bigger, deeper, and more meaningful.

When you stumble onto great marketing, it’s because you’ve accessed an inherent capacity for influence that every person has and every brand should have. The “trick” is discovering how to tap into that capacity over and over again so that you can create great marketing more consistently and earn more visibility for your brand.

Marketing is about visibility. Visibility is about power.

In his book, The Power Paradox, Dacher Keltner shines some light on how we can connect our brands and their missions to powerful marketing through the lens of how individuals gain power in groups. He writes that power is really the ability to influence others and make a difference in the world.

Brands need power and influence to woo the right group of people and change their lives (in big ways or small) through their products. In essence, your marketing is an effort to establish power in your community or marketplace. When people are paying attention to your marketing, they’re granting your business the power to influence them.

So, marketing and power go hand-in-hand. Which is why we, as marketers, need to pay attention to what Keltner discovered are the 5 ways to earn more power in any group. While we might assume that there are sneaky methods or coercive tactics at play, power (and visibility) is really the reward granted to those who practice a more subtle art form rooted in authenticity.

He says:

We have a deep cultural intuition that nice guys finish last, that one must step on others to rise in the ranks, and that acquiring power requires the cold-blooded dispensing of rivals and even allies. But nothing could [be] further from the truth.

Visibility and power are found at the intersection of authenticity and strategy.

The 5 non-obvious ways to earn power that Dacher outlines can become a guideline for 5 strategies for crafting marketing that earns visibility through authenticity. Instead of marketing on a whim or eschewing strategic action to just do your own thing, you can combine intention and planning with a truly personal approach.

You and your brand determine what works for you but you create a strategy so it’s no longer a gamble.

Let’s take a look at these 5 non-obvious ways to put your business in the spotlight and how each are being applied by other small business owners:

1. Openness

The first way to earn visibility is remaining open to new perspectives, feedback, and information. It requires genuine curiosity, creativity, and plenty of communication.


Jenn Giles Kemper, the founder of Sacred Ordinary Days, used Openness to fuel the launch of her latest liturgical year planner. She’s created a community around her brand and uses that community to solicit feedback and suggestions for making her line of planners better.

The company had its best day yet when it released its latest iteration. Jenn even received emails from people saying, ‘You really listened!’ They appreciated the honest and curious way that Jenn asked for feedback and responded with an overwhelming number of sales.

At CoCommercial, we invest heavily in Openness too. Unlike other social networks that are algorithm-based, we pride ourselves on being human-powered. Our community managers are paid to invite new members into the network, show them the ropes, and solicit feedback. We could automate more of this process and reduce cost but the human touch means that we’re truly able to remain open to feedback and stay curious about ways to improve the experience for members. In turn, our members reward us by sharing the network with their friends and colleagues — meaning we earn the kind of word-of-mouth marketing that money just can’t buy.

Your turn: What can you do to incorporate curiosity into your brand or product marketing?

2. Perspective

While certainly some brands and media outlets garner attention by riling up a frenzy, sustained visibility and influence comes from offering a sense of calm and a fresh perspective. Instead of syncing up with the latest freakout, your brand can represent a different way of looking at things.

The market rewards brands that don’t react frantically every time there’s a change or new challenge.


Take a look at Productive Flourishing founder Charlie Gilkey. While other business strategists flail around every time there’s a new hiccup in the marketplace, Charlie is calm, focused, and reliable. He consistently creates exceptional content that markets his sane approach to building a business in the 21st century.

In our marketing at CoCommercial, we provide an alternate Perspective by highlighting the real efforts of business owners who have been there, done that, and are still doing it every day. Instead of relying on experts or gurus — and the personality cults they create — we’re focused on distributed expertise.

We know there is no 1 expert who can have all the answers, so we shine a light on how different business owners handle different situations. We do this through the Help Yourself blog here on Medium and in a series of weekly live Help Yourself shows. This has been a great way for our members to find a safe-haven for discussion and alternative approaches to their pressing challenges.

Your turn: What are you willing to say or do that is counter to the current freak out?

3. Kindness

Marketing that utilizes Kindness is cooperative. It draws others in, recognizes their contribution, and lifts them up. When you shine a light on others, your brand also shines.


Tanya Geisler, a women’s leadership coach and impostor complex expert, is one of the kindest people I know. But she’s also one of the kindest marketers I know.

Tanya’s first thought is always to spotlight others. So much so that when she wanted to develop a weekly live podcast, she named it “In The Spotlight With Tanya Geisler.” She talks to both influencers and clients about how they approach life in the spotlight, what holds them back from taking on a bigger role, and how they’re working to fulfill their personal missions. She regularly recognizes and amplifies their brilliance — and, in doing so, amplifies her own.

At CoCommercial, we take a similar approach. In keeping with our value for distributed expertise as I mentioned earlier, we highlight the stories of our members in weekly “I Am The New Economy” Member Features and use these same profiles throughout social media to earn attention from new potential members. We also crowdsource in-depth articles and workshops like this one on how Seth Godin (but really our members) taught me the importance of Constructive Encouragement.

Your turn: How can you shine a light on others?

4. Focus

Focused marketing is imbued with purpose. It is driven by your Why and executed with intention. We respect Focus because it gives us context and a sense of stability. Visibility emerges from Focus slowly but powerfully. Without Focus, earning sustainable attention is nearly impossible.


Communication Rebel founder Dr. Michelle Mazur is extremely focused on her audience. She knows they want to earn more paid speaking gigs and reach bigger audiences with their unique messages. Everything she does to market her business is based on their questions, challenges, and misconceptions about how to do just that.

She hosts a podcast called Rebel Speaker that addresses her audience’s hot topics little bit by little bit. She also does regular Facebook Live videos that take advantage of that same knowledge. Whenever she puts her brand in the spotlight, it’s with the same intense Focus that’s earned her higher and higher coaching fees over the last 3 years and kept her practice full.


Similarly, Budget Nerd founder Mark Butler is so focused that his marketing is almost entirely internal. He doesn’t feel the need to be plastering his message all over social media or even regularly blogging. He knows what his target client needs, what they want, and how to deliver it to them in a way that generates new clients. Word of mouth marketing from his existing clients drives the engine.

It’s easy to think that more, more, more is the answer to all of your marketing questions but Focus allows you to truly focus on less-but-better.

Your turn: What message are you willing to stick with for the long haul?

5. Enthusiasm

Dacher Keltner’s research on power makes one thing clear: enthusiasm is the #1 predictor of who receives influence and power in a group. It’s the same with your business. If you allow your brand to be ecstatically enthusiastic about what it’s all about, people will pay attention.

My husband always says, “I love to listen to anyone geek out about something they love.” Let that be a lesson for the way you market your business. Geek out, go on a rant, rave with excitement, follow an idea down the rabbit hole.

Pay attention to when your Enthusiasm makes you shine. Pay attention to when it makes your brand and business shine. Recreate that light as often as possible.


Sue B. Zimmerman, Instagram expert and social media educator, has an infectious personality. Her enthusiasm for marketing small businesses seems to know no bounds! She seamlessly channels that into Instagram, live video, and live events — and her audience has grown massively because of it.


Amanda Steinberg, founder & CEO of DailyWorth and WorthFM, has a fierce Enthusiasm driven by her mission to help women manage their money better. She’s relentless in her pursuit of learning, transformation, and better ways for engaging women on the topic of money. She’s used her Enthusiasm to find funding, break into the “boys’ club” of the financial world, amass over a million subscribers, and nurture relationships with major influencers.


L’Erin Alta, a spiritual guide for women in transition, has a soulful Enthusiasm. If you watch one of her videos or attend one of her events, you can’t help but be transfixed by her presence. L’Erin is conscious of her own power of Enthusiasm and channels that into soulful writing, a podcast, and videos that show her at her best. Her marketing is a beautiful blend of the authentic and strategic.

We’re enthusiastic at CoCommercial, too. We’re passionate about transforming today’s small business owners into tomorrow’s economic powerhouses. We have a vision for influencing public policy to better support freelancers, small business owners, and the self-employed. I talk about this mission as often as possible — though, possibly, not often enough — and, every time I do, we receive amazing comments, new referrals, and fresh perspectives inside our network.

Your turn: What message makes you shine?

It’s not the platform, the tactic, the frequency, or even the production value of the marketing you use that determines your success. Any “strategy” that starts there is bound to fail.

To put your brand & business in the spotlight, your strategy needs to start with authenticity grounded in openness, kindness, focus, perspective, and enthusiasm. Look back over the 5 questions I posed with each method and allow yourself to get creative about how you or your brand could show up and embody those qualities.

There is no right way to market your business, earn attention for your brand, or find the spotlight for your message.

There is only your way.