Creativity, the Social Brain, and a Whole New Perspective on Your Business


Unlock the information that will fuel your creativity & transform your business.

Photo by Spyr Media

Photo by Spyr Media

Creativity is key to business in the You Economy. You are tasked with the unrelenting need to create content, products, marketing, and promotional materials. How can you fuel the fire?

Unlock your social brain. Your brain is constantly observing and subconsciously processing loads of social information all the time. Now that we’re connected to our networks 24/7, the amount of information we have to feed on is unprecedented. I’ve worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and discovered that rarely are they using this information to its full potential.

In this free training call, I’ll share with you the stories of 3 business owners who have done just that and the techniques we used to turn this dormant information into creative fuel. You’ll hear about:

  • an artist who discovered a better way to sell a product that puts recurring revenue in her pocket and eliminates busywork
  • a media strategist who turned a failed launch into a thriving signature program
  • a designer who’s pioneering a whole new way to work with “digital artisans”

Use your creative talent to take your business to a new level through the power of social information. Join me for this free call.

Monday, May 6 at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern

Enter your email address below to get all the details.

About Tara Gentile

Tara is a business strategist who guides You Economy entrepreneurs in creating businesses that make a big impact without the constant hustle. She’s the creator of The Customer Perspective Process and the founder of Kick Start Labs. She’s been featured in US News & World Report, The $100 Startup, Grow Your Handmade Business, DailyWorth, and Design*Sponge.